One More Day
October 29
You may talk on all subjects save one, namely, your maladies.
– Ralph Waldo Emerson
Casual conversations have an unspoken rule: never, never tell about our pain, our misery, our difficulties. Ironically, the stars of social gatherings are often the ones who have just suffered an accident or injury. We show interest and concern for new and obvious problems; we often ignore ongoing ones. A leg cast has glamor; a wheelchair has none.
We can understand this. Human nature finds adventure in broken bones or neck braces. It also finds reassurance because these injuries are temporary and the victim will be as good as new in a matter of weeks. Many people can’t identify with the permanence of chronic illness, but we can educate them about our social concerns without provoking pity.
My life becomes more balanced when I enjoy social activities as social — not medical — events.
This reminds me of a saying my mom had. "I am sick in bed with my feet hanging out the window." It certainly doesn't make sense, but does bring a smile. In today, I am sure that she had Fibromyalgia the same as I have, although it was diagnosed back then, over 60 years ago. It doesn't always get recognition in today.