Wednesday, October 1, 2014
You are reading from the book Today's Gift
Perhaps nature is our best assurance of immortality.
—Eleanor Roosevelt
Everything in nature contributes to something else - like the hundred-year-old tree that stood tall until a wind storm. The protection it gave to thousands of birds and squirrels it now gives to insects and fungi. As it slowly decays, it nourishes the ground, and from the enriched soil grows several other trees. We human beings are part of this eternal cycle, our ideas and actions enriching those around us and influencing generations yet to come. Being part of this vast plan gives us comfort, and faith that everything that happens is meant to be. Our hearts fill with joy with the knowledge that we are needed; just as every tree is needed.
How do I fit into nature's plan today?
Being a part of the whole and being aware we are a part of the Master Plan, reassures us and knows us that we are important. I liked the words I heard about how the tiny leaf get just the right amount of sun and dew that it needs to grow, just the same as I get what I do to get my needs met.