If we think of abstinence as something we have to acquire through great effort, we will be afraid that we will fail. We will think of weeks and months and years stretching ahead of us and say, "I'll never make it."
Food For Thought
When I saw this, I was reminded of the words of my sponsor. "We don't do this forever, we do it just for today."
I was told not to think of it being forever, all I had to do was get up each day, ask for help, take my Higher Power with me, Step Ten and check in with Him through the day, go to a meeting, call my sponsor when I was having difficulty, and give thanks at night.
It is just for this 24 hours. It is a 24 hour a day program, not a 2-4 hour a day program. A day can start any time. All I have to do is stop, say the Serenity Prayer, and ask "For this 24 hours, please give me what I need to stay clean and sober." Sobriety means 'Soundness of Mind." My mind is not sound when I binge or when I deprive myself of the food and nurturing that it needs.
I no longer abuse myself by putting into my body what is not healthy. I don't do too well on this, because there have been some comfort foods that I still allow myself to indulge in. God and I are still working on it.
March 7, 2011
The difference in today, is that I lost that desire to not put anything but healthy foods into my body. Have found myself back in the willfullness, knowing better, but not caring that I am diabetic. Tonight I passed on some advice that I need to take for myself. I have to pray for the willingness to be willing to think healthy and what is good for me.
Tonight I bough two butter tarts before my group and I gave them away. After the group, I bought two butter tarts to replace them.