You probably can look over your life and see how, time after time, God directed your steps to the exact moment. If you had been ten seconds earlier or ten seconds later, things would have played out differently. That’s God orchestrating His plan. That’s God ordering your steps. All you have to do is stay faithful to Him and follow His leading because in the end, His plan will stand!
My spiritual adviser told me many years ago. Don`t complain about a red light, it is asking you to stop. You can go with the flow and go a different route, or you can stand and wait. There is always purpose to our lives. Perhaps, you are preventing you from going forward because you are heading in the wrong direction or He is preventing you from seeing, hearing, or doing something that isn`t good for you in the moment.
Quite often, when I go with the flow, instead of the way I planned to go, I learn a lesson, meet a person, experience something that brings new awareness, leads to a new experience, or just a person who needs a smile and a hello.
When I am not into Self and my way, blessing are put in my path and each time it happens, I try to always say, `Thank you, thank you, thank you!`