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Old 06-16-2014, 02:50 AM   #16
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Monday, June 16, 2014

You are reading from the book Today's Gift

Being alive is being creative. You need do nothing but affirm your aliveness.
—Gay Bonner

What does it mean to be alive? Does it mean merely breathing, eating, and moving around, or is there more to it? Being alive can mean different things to different people. To some, it's sewing a baby quilt for a new life about to be born. To others, it's singing, or walking, or running. Still others find it in the exhilaration of skiing, or the tropical splendor they find when scuba diving.

Each of us has our own favorite activity that lets us feel our creativity and vitality, that lets us feel a part of the larger world. Two gifts these activities leave us with are joy and energy. Joy is one of the most creative forces we can call on, and energy gives us the power to do it well.

What will my creative activity be today?
Don't have a clue! The only way I get creative in today is to put pictures on my posts. This is a little like me these days, going around in circles. My memory is bad and I keep forgetting and have to keep going back and forth, because I didn't remember what I was after or didn't get everything I needed at one time.


Love always,


I share because I care.

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Old 06-17-2014, 08:42 AM   #17
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Tuesday, June 17, 2014

You are reading from the book Today's Gift

You will jump to it someday. Then you'll fly. You'll really fly. After that you'll quite simply, quite calmly make your own stones, your own floor plan, your own sound.
—Anne Sexton

A young man sat beside a whispering creek all day for years, never moving. The townsfolk who watched him wondered whether he heard the gurgling creek sounds, or felt the sting of insects, or saw the raccoons when they came at night to sip from the cool, dark waters.

One day the young man rose and dashed up the hill above the creek. There, using all the healing strength of the stream, which he had quietly absorbed over the years, he gathered stones. He arranged them layer-by-layer to fit the plan he had thought out by the creek, and feverishly he built his home. When done, he let out a brassy, booming holler of joy. Imagine the townsfolk's surprise when they turned their eyes to that lonely spot by the creek and saw a huge castle of stone above the place where the young man once rested.

What plans can I make during my idle hours today?
Really like this, it is surprising what we can do with little, and things that seem little, can be a big thing, even if it is in our own eyes.

The Raccoon according to Jamie Sams means protection.

Love always,


I share because I care.

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Old 06-18-2014, 02:52 AM   #18
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Wednesday, June 18, 2014

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Let your conscience be your guide.
—Jiminy Cricket

Crickets sing on summer nights because it's their nature to do so. They don't think about whistling or trumpeting or sleeping or changing the world. They've figured out their role on earth, and they do it.

We are a bit more complex than crickets, and most of the time that's lucky. In most of our affairs it's our conscience more than sheer instinct that helps us choose those thoughts and acts and feelings that are right for us.

Each of us has that little voice inside, relentless as a chirping cricket, telling us what to do. Even in the middle of our toughest decisions, we always have within us the solution that is right for us. All we have to do is listen-and trust.

What does my inner voice say about today's decisions?
It can still go back to the old way of thinking, `Don`t tell me, show me.`

I was one of the very sick ones and it took me about 3 year to look at myself and take an honest look at myself. As I told my friend, `Reality sucks! You know right from wrong, and if you don`t choose one that is good for your recovery, you go back into old guilt and shame.` You know what you should do, and if you don`t, it is hard to live with yourself, at least it was for me.

Love always,


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Old 06-19-2014, 02:27 AM   #19
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Thursday, June 19, 2014

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Jealousy is cruel as the grave.

—Song of Solomon

Most bushes and small trees need trimming every year. They have branches that hang out over the sidewalk and get in people's way. Sometimes the branches grow so long and low to the ground that the tree looks weighted down.

Jealousy is like an overgrown branch -it weighs us down. It is one of those feelings all of us deal with. We may be jealous of someone's looks or talent, or maybe even their good luck. Like the overgrown branches, jealousy sticks out all over and gets in other people's way as well as our own. It is a part of us we need to keep cutting back.

If we are good gardeners, we will get out the clippers. Seeing and talking about our jealousy is the best way to start using those clippers. If we do this, our own leaves will be healthier, and our blossoms will grow.

Is there someone I am jealous of? Can I use my clippers today?
A feeling I don't like. Doesn't happen too often in my life. I found that every time I start thinking more, there are consequences. I found that I wouldn't trade my space with others, because I wasn't willing the play the role they played to make it happen.

Was on the receiving end of it, and it isn't nice. My sponsor(s) over the years have said, "It is not your problem, it is their stuff." They want the benefits of the program that you have received without working for it." Just think of all the work you have done over the years, they said that they had never seen anyone else do what I have done to maintain my recovery.

Using was never an option, and although my pain makes me think, "I want to make it all go away," it isn't healthy and I have to change that thinking. I know that to take something to cover it up or make it go away, leads me to thinking more. One is never enough, more doesn't not make it better. The body manufactures the pain to tell you that you need more. It is an illusion, generally one of control and leaving God out of the equation.

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Old 06-20-2014, 02:34 AM   #20
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Friday, June 20, 2014

You are reading from the book Today's Gift

The most valuable thing we can do for the psyche, occasionally, is to let it rest, wander, live in the changing light of a room, not to try to do or be anything whatsoever.
—May Sarton

A whole world can be seen through even the smallest window. Knowing this can help us slow down and enjoy everyday events. We can listen to the regular rhythms of letter carriers and school children, dogs and delivery trucks, city buses and song birds playing out a piece of their daily lives outside the window.

We can greet the letter carrier who comes up the walk, feed the robin who lands on the sill, wave to the kids who've found a shortcut through our backyards on their way home from school.

It is not necessary, today, for us to fill our lives with important meetings, gala parties, expensive treats, toys, or outings to be happy. There is a whole world to be discovered just outside the nearest window.

What worlds lie on the other side of my window today?
In reality a beautiful view of Hamilton Bay, and when the sun is shining, we can see Toronto and the CN Tower if it is clear. Always found peace, especially when there are sail boats, some music playing, and at night, with all the city lights, some smooth jazz, and my candle, it is a great place to be.

Love always,


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Old 06-21-2014, 05:05 AM   #21
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Saturday, June 21, 2014

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To be able to invite pain to join in my experience and not have to control my life to avoid pain is such a freedom!
—Christina Baldwin

If we really stopped to think about it, we would be astounded to discover how much of our time is spent trying to avoid pain. We are afraid to say what we think or tell others our needs because we fear rejection. We are afraid to face the pain of our own anger. We are afraid of telling others who we are. When we are afraid of opening up to others for fear they will hurt us, we are not free, we are prisoners of our own fears.

Pain is a natural part of life, and we are gifted with the ability to feel it. Pain teaches us, makes us work harder sometimes, and it helps us appreciate pleasure.

When we accept pain, and stop exhausting ourselves trying to avoid it, we will be free to live life more fully and without so much worry.

How has my own fear limited my freedom?
Fear was according to old taps, not doing things right, making mistakes. Fear of judgment, rejection, abandonment, and lack of acceptance. I became a people-pleaser looking for validation, affirmation, love and acceptance because I couldn't find it within myself.

With pain, a lot of it is lack of faith. They often say in the fellowships, "Think of the worst case scenario," and for me that was very negative. What you put out to the Universe, you get back. Having faith that my God is the Master Healer, and I try not to give up my power. I try not to put my life on hold and allow the pain to rule my day and dictate as to what I can do or not do. Sometimes you don't recognize things when you are in it, but with prayer, awareness and clarity is given and we can receive the nudges (saw that in another reading and loved it), that we need to get out of our Head Space and find our way back to our Heart.

Love always,


I share because I care.

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Old 06-22-2014, 11:49 AM   #22
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Sunday, June 22, 2014

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When fate hands us a lemon, let's try to make lemonade.
—Dale Carnegie

Good fortune is built on misfortune. By losing a race we learn what mistakes to avoid next time we run. A burglar may make us install the lock that will keep out a murderer. Each time a toddler falls is a lesson in how to walk.

We can never assume that, because things are not going the way we want, they are not following a better plan. God is a better manager than we can hope to be. If things aren't shaping up the way we like, let's wait with curiosity to see that better things are in store for us. Let's look for lights in the darkness and follow them to the bright day that always will follow. We will remember our lessons of misfortune with gratitude.

What can I learn from delay today?
It generally means I got a head of myself or it means, take a time out, when you do, you will feel better and be more capable of doing what you need to do if you take care of yourself.

It can also mean, pause and think, connect with your God and see if you are on the right track. Give pause to think, did I miss a lesson, do I need to process something, from the past or in today.

Love always,


I share because I care.

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Old 06-23-2014, 03:41 AM   #23
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Monday, June 23, 2014
You are reading from the book Today's Gift
Real friends are those who, when you've made a fool of yourself, don't feel that you've done a permanent job.
—Erwin T. Randall

What kind of friends do we have? Are they people who complain a lot? Are they people who laugh at us or put others down?

The kind of people we want to be will decide what kind of friends we have. If we want to feel sorry for ourselves, we will choose friends who will tell us how rotten their lives are. If we want to think we're better than others, we will hang around people who laugh at others' mistakes.

But if we want to be the best we can be, we will pick friends who see the good in life, people who will encourage us to be ourselves and who will help us try harder at things that are difficult for us.

How can I be a better friend today?
How to find a good friend? Be one! I was told to be my own best friend. Build a relationship with me and my God and then I could be a true friend with others. I had to learn to apply the spiritual principles of the program to my life.

The more I used the principles in my daily life, the more I learned to live life on life's terms. AA is a program meant for alcoholic's but the principles behind it is used in many other programs.

Looking at the Principles Of The Steps,

1. Admission of powerlessness. / Honesty
2. Reliance on a Higher Power. / Hope
3. Total surrender to God. / Faith
4. Moral inventory. / Courage
5. Admission of the exact nature of our wrongs. / Integrity
6. Commitment to total change. / Willingness
7. Prayer for wholeness. / Humilty
8. Total willingness to amend. / Brotherly Love
9. Making amends where possible. / Reconcilation
10. Continuing inventory. /Perserverance
11. Prayer meditation, leading to improved conscious contact with God. / Awareness of God
12. Spiritual awakening, carrying the message and practicing the principles in all our affairs. / Service.

Originally posted at Recovery Inn

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I share because I care.

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Old 06-24-2014, 02:44 AM   #24
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Tuesday, June 24, 2014

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Self-image sets the boundaries of individual accomplishment.
—Maxwell Maltz

The way we think about ourselves determines how we behave and who we become. If Eileen believes she is good at baseball, she will swing the bat more confidently and catch fly balls more easily. And her extra effort will generally pay off. At math, Steve thinks he's a whiz and it makes him proud. He studies so he'll continue to be a whiz.

The image we have of ourselves is like the blueprint the contractor follows when building a house. When we see ourselves sad or angry, our behavior and personality will match it. When we see ourselves withdrawn and afraid, we seem to avoid activities that involve others. How wonderful that we can change our behavior and thus ourselves by changing the picture we carry in our minds.

Do I have a good picture of myself today?
I may have a good picture of myself, but that doesn`t mean I always like it.

I do pray for clarity, awareness and new enlightenment, so I shouldn`t be surprised when I get it.

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Old 06-25-2014, 05:38 AM   #25
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Wednesday, June 25, 2014

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It is good to have an end to journey towards, but it is the journey that matters, in the end.
—Ursula K. LeGuin

Billy and his dad were excited about Fan Appreciation Night. They wanted to get one of the souvenir baseballs thrown into the stands. As they hurried toward their seats, they saw a man drop a ten-dollar bill. Billy picked up the money.

"Hey, Mister," he said loudly. The man in front of him turned around. "You dropped this." Billy handed him the money.

"Thank you," said the man. Billy returned to his dad. Just as they reached their row, a ball came sailing towards their empty seats. Someone from the row behind caught it. Billy swallowed hard. "I know," said his dad, looking at Billy, "But you did the right thing."

For his effort, Billy will bring home a souvenir far more lasting and valuable than a baseball or a ten-dollar bill. He will know the bittersweet feeling of making a sacrifice to do what is right.

What sacrifice have I made to do what is right?
In Jamie Sams' Book, "Sacred Pathways," she says that sacrifice meand to make sacred. I try to make my home a safe place. I can't sacrifice my sobriety or hurt others to make me feel good, so I need a safe place, to look at things and ask myself, "What would Jesus do? or "What would my Higher Power have me do in today, not only my Higher Good, but for the good of the whole.

Love always,


I share because I care.

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Old 06-26-2014, 02:28 AM   #26
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Thursday, June 26, 2014

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One cricket said to another - come, let us be ridiculous, and say love!
—Conrad Aiken

Let's all sit in a circle and take turns being ridiculous about what our love is like. Let's play tag with it, and pass it on. Let's say that our love is like diamonds sprinkled on a clear moonless sky, and let's pass it on. Let's say it's like one rose petal too tender to touch, and let's pass it on. Let's say it's like rainbows filling a city sky, and pass it on. Let's say it's small and hard, like an agate or shell, and let's keep passing it on.

We can find images for love all around us, and when we express it to others this way, it grows.

What is my love like today?
At the moment slightly lacking. Because of my pain today, don't have too much for myself either. But as the saying goes, "This too shall pass."

Love always,


I share because I care.

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Old 06-27-2014, 04:24 AM   #27
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Friday, June 27, 2014

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When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us.
—Helen Keller

In the game of musical chairs, everyone walks around a circle of chairs. When the music stops, they scramble for the nearest open chair. If we were playing this game and found the nearest chairs taken, wouldn't we quickly look around for the next open one? To remain immobilized, angry that the chair we wanted was taken, would undoubtedly lose our place in the game.

Sometimes in life, we set our sights on a particular chair. Perhaps there is an award we want to win, or we want to be the high scorer on our team. Perhaps there is a promotion or a job we would like to get. When we do not get what we want, it is easy to keep looking at what we didn't get instead of seeing all we have.

It is important to be grateful for what w e have - for the open doors and empty chairs waiting and inviting our attention. Loss and disappointment are a part of life - but the music will play again and our lives can move on.

What is available to me today?
A long time favourite quote of mine. We can be so focused on what we want,waiting for our God to give it to us (we deserve it you know, after all we have been through), that we miss the opportunity that God has put in our life, or opens a path to an alternative suggestion. We reject because it is not dressed the way we want to see it, and we are not willing to recognize what is, accept it, and continue on living our life, according do our God`s Higher Plan.

Love always,


I share because I care.

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Old 06-28-2014, 08:41 AM   #28
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Saturday, June 28, 2014

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It's the deepest channel that runs most true.
—Kate Wolf

The greatest rivers spread themselves out wide and lazy over the earth. They roll over on themselves like great turtles turning in the warm sun. A river flows, drawn to the oceans, carving ever-deepening channels, nestling snug in the earth's welcoming lap. The current is strongest in the deepest channel. Boat navigators know that finding that channel means finding the swiftest current and the safest voyage home.

When we look at a river, or at another person, we see only the surface. What keeps our attention is usually some movement or activity on the surface. But there is more than meets the eye, especially to people. When we overlook someone because that person is quiet or simple, we may be robbing ourselves of an eye-opening discovery.

Which deeper things can I look for in my day?
The little special bonuses that my God sends to me each day and remembering to say thank you.

Love always,


I share because I care.

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Old 06-29-2014, 03:17 AM   #29
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Sunday, June 29, 2014

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Let us open our natures, throw wide the doors of our hearts and let in the sunshine of good will and kindness.
—O. S. Marden

Kindness is among the gifts we can most easily spread among others. The more we give of kind words and deeds, the more we discover that kindness is like a burning candle which lights many other candles without losing a trace of its own brightness. Our kindnesses are assets, which return unexpected dividends when we invest them in the happiness of others. Kindness is the very basis of love. It softens the most severe anger and gladdens the hardest hearts.

No kindness is too small to win and hold the affection of others because it is made up of gentleness, love, generosity, unselfishness, and caring.

What kindness do I have to offer today?
I was told to be kind to myself. Be my own best friend. Do for yourself what you do for others. Give yourself a kind word, some encourage, daily affirmation, and a few mental and emotional push ups.

Love always,


I share because I care.

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Old 06-30-2014, 02:22 AM   #30
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Monday, June 30, 2014

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Cultivate your garden. Let it take root in you until your thousand eyes open like violets to morning light.
—Nancy Paddock

In our imaginations we can mix images and ideas from all over the world-imagine the thousand eyes of a peacock growing among the purple violets, or babies that grow on trees! In our imaginations we can also nurture feelings of love, affection, self-esteem.

All of us-not just writers-can learn to see the images in our own minds. We can do this by breathing slowly, relaxing, and looking at the movie in our minds. We may see a field of wildflowers, or find ourselves wading across a stream in the mountains. We might see happiness as wildflowers and grass coming up through the sidewalk, breaking the concrete into chunks and sand, growing so slowly yet with such great power. It may help us appreciate our growth today to look at it this way.

Can I visualize my happiness right now? What does it look like?
I can tonight, got some words out that needed to be said to my son. I am also happy that my pain has lessened after a big rain and a small thunder storm.

Love always,


I share because I care.

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