Many of us show up at recovery because of someone else, it's good that's what brought a lot of us to recovery to begin with, but the only way that any of us will ever be able to stay here is for ourselves, and all of us will have to realize this or we will leave recovery. One of the first things we'll find out about recovery is it's not about other people and their problems, it's about us and what our problem is, and what all of us can do about having this problem. The second thing we all come to find out is none of us have any idea to what the problem is for any of us. We all think we do, but none of us really does and we'll all find this out well as we go long in our recovery. The real reason that gets us all to recovery has nothing to do with what we all think is wrong with us, and has to do with what's been wrong with all of us for a long time without any of us even knowing what this is. The problem for all of us is not with other people it's with ourselves and none of us can fix this problem on our own, or by ourselves. We'll need to be here in recovery to do that, and we all can begin to do this the moment we decide to be here for ourselves. When we do this we'll all be on the way to fixing our problem, and that's promised to all of us who are in recovery, that this works if we're willing to do the work. Recovery always solves the problem for all of us, the one that none of us even knew that we had.