Once we have started recovery and found someone who seems to have our best interest in mind that's willing to help us, the only thing that stands in our way now is ourselves. Our biggest obstacle now is understanding that our way of thinking, the thinking that brought us into recovery won't work for us in recovery. We'll have to try making a new venture into how we see things, and a different way about how we think about things. Then we're going to have to be willing to erase all the fixed ideas that we have brought with us that are not helpful to us in our recovery. All of this is going to require a lot of trust, more than we have ever had to have at any other time in our life. The openness we get from doing this allows for us to get out of our own way, and to be able to receive what's being offered to us by recovery, and that's a new way of living. We don't need to know exactly what that is right now, we only need to know this is how to go about getting it.