Friday, October 31, 2014
You are reading from the book Today's Gift
The only sense that is common in the long run is the sense of change - and we all instinctively avoid it.
—E. B. White
Nature reveals to us a world that is always changing. No two sunsets are alike. Winter brings invigorating days while spring brings new buds and blossoms every day. Summer brings lazy warmth and star-filled evenings while fall brings crisp afternoons and a sense of nostalgia.
Even though nature shows us a constantly changing world, we often resist the changes in our own lives. Changes can be both hard and sad, yet they are a part of life. Perhaps we are moving on to a new school or a new neighborhood, or perhaps we are feeling the changes that come with a divorce in the family.
With every change we say a sad goodbye to something old, something familiar - in the same way we feel sadness for summer's end when the first leaves begin to fall. Yet every change also offers us the excitement and potential of a new season - with its own opportunity for new smells, special gifts, and invigorating days.
How have I changed today?
Each day I wake up. It is a new day! I use to use to make time time disappear. In today, there are not enough hours in a day.
Last night I did a meditation and did a prayer and meditation. I had a set of angel cards and asked for what I needed heal the pain in my hip. The card said, "Ask!" I sat in my chair holding the cards, and woke up two hours later with the pain gone. That doesn't mean it won't come back, seeing as it was raining, it is raining, and it promises to rain more and they say it will turn to snow, but in today, the pain hasn't come back. That was 8 hours ago, and for that I am grateful.