Wednesday, January 8, 2014
You are reading from the book Today's Gift
Deep in their roots all flowers keep the light
—Theodore Roethke
All flowers begin with the potential to grow and blossom. Yet in winter, perennial flowers are buried under the snow. Inside the dark earth, they are patiently waiting for their time to bloom. For the flowers, faith is believing that spring will return. It is carrying the light of summer deep in their roots so that even in times of cold and dark, there is hope that they will bloom again.
When spring does return, they shoot out of the ground and burst into blossom. In times of light, they drink it deep into their roots - deep enough to sustain them through the next season of darkness. We can do the same, keeping the memory of good times deep within us, so that when we're feeling low, it will keep our faith in the happy future strong.
What helps sustain my faith today?
My faith was restored my faith, when I looked at my past and saw how often my God covered my butt; and was there for me, even though I didn't credit Him with the gift and blessing.
In treatment we were asked at meditation time, to visualize a good time in our childhood, a place we felt safe and secure. A place that was beautiful and full of light and love. For me it was a field of alfalfa where I made angels in the grass and looked up at the clouds in the sky. The other was at a beaver pond (love water and bubbling brooks), surrounded by tall green grass, birch trees, that looked out into a field of wild flowers.