Role Models
Read Jeremiah 33:1 through 35:19
The directions were all in writing but definitely not easy to follow. “If only someone could show me how to do this, it would be so much easier,” we may have grumbled. It’s true! Most people learn better when someone comes alongside to help. And how much better it is to be shown rather than told how to do something.
In the days of Jeremiah, God sent him to the Rekabite family who had fled to Jerusalem to escape King Nebuchadnezzar’s army. Jeremiah invited them to one of the side rooms of the temple and offered them wine to drink. They refused because their forefather had commanded them never to drink wine. God told Jeremiah to use their obedience as an example for His people to follow.
“Go and tell the people of Judah and those living in Jerusalem, ‘Will you not learn a lesson and obey my words?’ ” declares the Lord (Jeremiah 35:13).
And what is the lesson God wants us to learn? We are to show others how to follow the Lord by how we live.
Prayer Suggestion: Help me, Lord, to be a role model for others to follow.