Sometimes as I struggle with the effects of having grown l with the disease of alcoholism, the path seems too difficult to travel. I forget that there are ups and downs to any journey, an I feel overcome with disappointment with my seemingly slow progress. Then my Higher Power reminds me of a history lesson I once learned, and I regain hope.
An expedition of the Grand Canyon traveled along the Colorado River. Halfway through the canyon, the explorers encountered dangerous rapids. Some of the explorers were killed as the thrashing waters hurled them about. The others manage to get ashore where they gathered their wits to assess the situation. Although the river ahead looked choppy and menacing some of the crew decided to forge ahead. They felt they had traveled too far to turn back. The others decided to return home o foot. The explorers who went ahead faced dangerous waters for a short period, but the remainder of their journey was safe, calm and beautiful. Those who turned back actually faced greater dangers, and they did not survive.
This story reminds me how valuable it is to persistently move forward in the program. When the road ahead looks threatening and I want to turn back to my oId attitudes and behaviors, remember that I'm not alone on my path. I have the wisdom of a Power greater than myself, the tools of the program, and the, experience, strength, and hope of my fellow travelers in Al-Anon to support me.
Thought for the Day
During bleak periods of my recovery, my Higher Power reminds me that the best way out is through.
"Today I will pause at a crossroad and listen for my Higher Power's voice."
Yes, life isn't always easy. It doesn't matter how long we have been in recovery. We may have accumulated a few more tools, but I found that I can lose them along the way, mainly by forgetting that I have them and that they are there and applicable to all areas of my life.
This isn't the reading for today, but it is a message that is good for me to read in today.
The reading is from September 21 and I posted a reply to it on May 17.