July 22
“In all times of emotional disturbance or indecision, we can pause, ask for quiet, and in the stillness simply say: ‘God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference’.” 12&12 p.41
“Be still in the presence of the Lord, and wait patiently for him to act.” Psalm 37:7
For what it's worth: God would not act on my behalf, except to condemn me for what I did and what I failed to do. And I deserved it. That self-pity, my sick pride, and stubborn resistance were a black cloud of doom hanging over me even long into recovery in Alcoholics Anonymous. Many sober years working the Twelve Steps were necessary to be rid of that dark cloud. Finally in the sunlight, I saw God loved me and was looking after me even during my dark, diseased days. And my sober experiences have taught me to trust God's love. He will be with me during the strongest storms. During the storm, it might appear He is absent, or slow getting there, but He will be there with me because He wants to be with me. He loves me and will never allow me to suffer alone.
God bless you.
Joe W.
"No matter what you have done up to this moment, you get 24 brand-new hours to spend every single day." --Brian Tracy
AA gives us an opportunity to recreate ourselves, with God's help, one day at a time. --Rufus K.
When you get to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on. --Franklin D. Roosevelt
We stay sober and clean together - one day at a time!
God says that each of us is worth loving.