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Old 07-12-2014, 10:22 AM   #17
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“…If we remind ourselves that ‘it is better to comfort than to be comforted, to understand than to be understood, to love than to be loved,’ we will be following the intent of Step Eleven.” 12&12 p.103

“Most of all, love each other as if your life depended on it.” 1 Peter 4:8 (The Message)

For what it's worth: The emptiness of alcoholism engulfed me when alcohol became more important to life than love. Once sober long enough in Alcoholics Anonymous, and I could feel the absence of love, I sought fulfillment in the love I felt from the people and a merciful God. They offered me Twelve Steps that taught me a way of life filled with love. Practicing these Steps day by day, I came to be able to love more than demand to be loved. All of my relationships improved, especially my closeness with my Heavenly Father. Today, when I feel distant, I know to find someone to love with a kind word or action. This always brings me back to my Heavenly Father's arms.

God bless you.
Joe W.
"No matter what you have done up to this moment, you get 24 brand-new hours to spend every single day." --Brian Tracy
AA gives us an opportunity to recreate ourselves, with God's help, one day at a time. --Rufus K.
When you get to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on. --Franklin D. Roosevelt
We stay sober and clean together - one day at a time!
God says that each of us is worth loving.
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