12-24-2013, 03:10 PM
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Join Date: Aug 2013
Location: Hamilton, ON
Posts: 25,078
Higher Power, help me stop expecting so much from myself. I set unrealistic standards, and when they are not met, unhappiness follows.
Help me be true to myself and only expect what I am capable of doing. As I grow in recovery, I am able to do more.
Your will provides realistic goals. Your will provides what I need to succeed.
The 12 Step Prayer Book Volume 2 by Bill P. and Lisa D.
No matter what fellowship we belong in, I think we have always put high expectations on ourself. Either that, or we had very little or none whatsoever and we never could do anything because we always thought of ourselves as failures.
Often I projected them onto others, only to find that they were not capable of meeting them. I had to realize that they were not failures, because they didn't meat my criteria. I forgot that they had their own Higher Power and that I wasn't it.
I temper my expectations with acceptance today. As the Big Book says, "The lower my expectations the higher my acceptance.
All I am asked to do is be the best me I can be in today. Sometimes I fall far short of this, that is why there is Step Seven. It says in the Bible (I think), "Make a joyful noise onto the Lord." That noise isn't suppose to be caterwauling and complaining, it is to be praise and joy filled with a lot of gratitude for this second chance at life.
Before AA, I judged myself by my intentions, while the world was judging me by my actions. Acceptance has been my answer....
Big Book p. 450 - Third Edition
Something I posted on another site. May even be here somewhere on the board.
When I put expectations on myself or others, I am setting myself up for disappointment and hurt feelings.
Love always,
I share because I care.