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dickb 08-15-2013 12:53 AM

Author Dick B.'s 29 Volume AA History Set and the Portland Maine AA History Conferenc
The International A.A. History Conference in Maine: Preparing for the Information

For some time now, the Dick B. 29 Volume Reference Set on A.A. History and Christian Recovery has been presented on sale at the bargain price of $249.00 with free shipping and handling in USA. Every nook and cranny of A.A. history is careful covered and truthfully reported. Whether you come to the A.A. History Conference in Portland Maine in September, or whether you see or hear portions of it on my audios, my radio shows, my articles, my blogs, and my forum posts, you will be prepared for historical facts you have never heard mentioned or reported in your A.A. group of meetings. Come and see! But prepare yourself to understand, share with, and remember the experienced speakers who will be telling at length about their particular work in an area of A.A. history–Quiet Time, Twelve Steps, A.A. History, Clarence Snyder Retreats, Vermont and Ohio historical photos, the Christian origins and history and backdrop of the original Akron A.A. Group Number One program simply summarized in DR. BOB and the Good Oldtimers, and in Dick B. and Ken B., “Stick with the Winners!” Leave these landmark A.A. reports, able to say: (1) I never knew or heard that about the A.A. solution until just now, or (2) I obtained Dick B.’s 29 volume reference set; and now I can return and focus on the subjects of major interest or importance to me.
So. . . whether you join us at the Conference in Portland Maine Sep 6-7 and read an important part of the 29 volume reference set (for $249.00), or simply read what you want to know in the set, you’ll be able to say that you have a lot of living to do in your relationship with the Creator, now that you know what a major role the Creator played in the program, lives, and successes of early Akron A.A. pioneers and can play today for those who want God’s help and will go to any length to get it.

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