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bluidkiti 08-29-2023 06:38 AM

There are two things we need in our lives: God's light and God's truth
There are two things we need in our lives: God's light and God's truth

Psalm 43:3 'Send out Your light and Your truth; let them guide me. Let them lead me to Your holy mountain, to the place where You live.'

- There are two things we need in our lives: His light and His truth.
- If we have His light in our lives, we will see clearly.
- If we have His truth in our lives, we will not stumble and fall.
- Pursue His light and truth and let them lead you directly into His presence.

PRAYER: Lord, I pray that Your light will show me the way and that Your truth will keep and preserve me along the path, and may I enjoy Your presence each day. Amen.

Kind Regards
Pastor Andrew Roebert

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