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MajestyJo 01-11-2014 06:21 PM

Remind me, God

Remind Me, God
When I am feeling lonely and
Perhaps I feel despair,
Let not my ailing heart forget
That You hear every prayer. . .

Remind me that no matter what
I do or fail to do,
There still is hope for as long
As I have Faith in You. . .

Let not my eyes be blinded
By some folly I commit;
But help me to regret my wrong
And make amends for it.

Inspire me to put my fears
Upon a hidden shelf,
And in the future
Try not to feel sorry for myself.

Give me the restful sleep I need
Before another dawn,
And bless me in the morning with
"The Courage To Go On."

- unknown -


...the grace to find the space between my impulse and my action

That space for me is the gift of recovery and what recovery is all about. That moment in time which allows us to say "yeah" or "nay" and gives us the freedom of choice as to which direction we choose in today. Just for today, I choose not to use.

Hugs not drugs for me!

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