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bluidkiti 03-02-2021 06:25 AM

Get rid of all bitterness, rage, anger, harsh words. . .

Bitterness is when we are angry or disappointed about not being treated fairly. When we are bitter, we are upset. Sometimes our actions and words to others are unkind. Sometimes we allow the situation or the person who disappointed us to roll around in our minds over and over again. When we choose to be bitter, we bring on suffering to ourselves because bitterness can eat away at our minds, our bodies and our souls. We can also cause others to suffer. Bitterness is our choice but we can go to God to help us get over it.

Ephesians 4:31 "Get rid of all bitterness, rage, anger, harsh words, and slander, as well as all types of evil behavior." (NLT)

Dear Lord, You would not tell us to get rid of all bitterness if it was impossible to do. All of Your commands are possible for us when we put our focus on You and allow Your Holy Spirit and Your mercy and grace to help us. Show us where we are bitter. Show us where we are causing our own suffering because we won't let go of bitterness. Show us where we are causing others to suffer because we are bitter. Help us to replace bitterness with kindness and love. In Jesus' name. Amen.

God is able to help us by freeing bitterness from our lives so we won't suffer with that sin any longer.

If we hold bitterness in our hearts, we are causing our own suffering.

Choosing bitterness hurts relationships. Choosing God strengthens them.

Bitterness can cause unnecessary suffering. That is why God wants us to let go of bitterness and replace it with love.

As believers, God has freed us from all sin (including bitterness) so we can live righteously for Him.

Romans 6:18 "Now you are free from your slavery to sin, and you have become slaves to righteous living." (NLT)

Focus: Think about any bitterness in our lives and ask God to help us get rid of it.

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