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bluidkiti 06-24-2019 07:56 AM

Don’t let circumstances determine your joy
But as for you, be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded – 2 Chronicles 15:7 (NIV)

It’s so easy to want to give up. Especially when things are taking longer than you expected. Maybe you thought that you’d be promoted at your job by now. Perhaps there’s a promise from God that hasn’t come to pass yet in your life. Whatever it is that you’re waiting on, today’s Bible verse is for you.

This verse encourages us to not give up. As we all know, patience is hard. No one likes waiting. Yet it’s in those times of waiting that we often have the chance to develop character. You might realize in those times that you need to work on improving our attitude. Possibly you realize that you’ve based your happiness on things other than God.

Often, it’s during difficulty that we begin to see what our hope really is in. If waiting has you down and discouraged, it might be an indicator that you’ve been placing your happiness in your circumstances rather than in Jesus.

So today, if you’re having difficulty being patient, don’t give up. Know that your work will be rewarded and that God sees it. Choose to put your happiness in Jesus and don’t let circumstances dictate your joy. Put your hope in Jesus.

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