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MajestyJo 03-03-2018 10:01 AM

Let us pray:
Lord, you have watched me grow
in my mother’s womb,
and I know that you love
all that you have made.
Help me to transform
my difficulties and disabilities
into opportunities for growth.
Shine the light of your Spirit on me
that I may grow
as the person you are calling me to be.
Inspire me
to develop the talents
you have given me
for the benefit and the service
of those people
you have placed in my life.
May each of us
become a blessing for others.

MajestyJo 03-04-2018 12:42 PM

Let us pray:
into your hands I place my successes.
Into your hands
I also place my failures,
and I pray that, through your Spirit,
I may face the challenges of life
with courage and determination.
Help me to think anew
and see things more broadly
than in terms of “success”
and “failure”.
Lead me always to trust
and place myself confidently
in your hands.

MajestyJo 03-05-2018 07:53 AM

Let us pray in the words of Saint Ignatius:
Teach us, good Lord,
to give and not to count the cost;
to fight and not to heed the wounds;
to toil and not to seek for rest;
to labour and to ask for no reward,
save that of knowing
that we do your will.

MajestyJo 03-06-2018 10:40 AM

Let us pray that people be inspired to
appreciate all that is good and beneficial
around them. Let us pray that good
decisions be reached concerning the environment
- decisions that look to our
heritage as well as to our needs.
Lord, in your mercy - hear our prayer.
Let us pray for those who are concerned
about their health and their future. We
pray for people in physical pain, for those
who make little progress, and for those
who will never get better.
Lord, in your mercy - hear our prayer.
Let us pray for all who are sad, and for
all who have had bitter experiences in
their lives. Let us pray that we may be
protected from all that may harm us.
Lord, in your mercy - hear our prayer

MajestyJo 03-07-2018 11:04 AM

Let us pray:
Praise the Lord, all you nations.
Speak to him, all people of the earth,
because his love is great
and he is always faithful.
(Psalm 117)

MajestyJo 03-08-2018 08:00 AM

The prayer that I normally post isn't fitting, at least not to my eyes.

Let us pray:

I pray that I may recognize the goodness I see in others. May I acknowledge and affirm the source is reflected from within me. Amen.

MajestyJo 03-09-2018 09:53 PM

Let us pray:
Lord God,
Creator of light,
at the rising of your sun each morning
let the greatest of all lights - your love
- rise, like the sun, within my heart.

MajestyJo 03-10-2018 04:49 PM

Let us pray
that each of us develops
the skills and talents
we have been given,
and that we remain open and sensitive
to all that is around us.
Lord, hear us - Lord, graciously hear us.
Let us pray that we may live in such a way
that we use things and love people,
instead of using people
and loving things.
Lord, hear us - Lord, graciously hear us
We pray that we may value and treasure
all who come into our lives
- not just for what they can do,
but for who they are.
Let us pray that we live in such a way
as to express appreciation
by the way we look at people
and in what we say.
Lord, hear us - Lord, graciously hear us

MajestyJo 03-11-2018 10:04 AM

Today is the anniversary of the death of
Alexander Fleming - 11th March 1955.

Let’s reflect and pray:
I shall pass through this world but once.
Therefore, any good that I can do,
any kind act that I can perform
for any fellow-creature,
let me do it now.
Let me not delay or omit it,
for I shall not pass this way again.

(attributed to Stephen Grellet)

MajestyJo 03-13-2018 01:14 AM

Let us pause for a moment in silent
prayer, thinking of all who suffer prejudice
and persecution because of their
race, colour, religion or political views…
God our Father,
you call each of us by name
and you know
the innermost thoughts
that we keep to ourselves.
Stay with us, day by day,
in good times and in bad.
Empower us with your Spirit
that we may grow in character
and develop a true sense of values
and ideals
through following Jesus,
your Son and our Brother.

MajestyJo 03-13-2018 01:16 AM

Let us pray:
inspire us to act justly, love tenderly,
and walk humbly with you, our God.
Breathe upon us your Spirit of peace
that we may be
bearers of reconciliation
wherever you place us.
May there be peace in our hearts,
in our homes, in our land,
and between all people.

MajestyJo 03-14-2018 09:38 PM

Let us pray:
Father, preserve in us
a sense of wonder
at the marvels of life.
May all that we see around us
lead us to you. Amen.

MajestyJo 03-15-2018 09:06 AM

And so we pray:
May we learn
to value and appreciate one another,
bringing out the best
in those around us.
May what is not good
die within us,
and may we bring life to all we meet.

MajestyJo 03-16-2018 08:03 AM

Let us pray for the needy and hungry of
our world:
God our Father,
we think of the beauty of the world
which you proclaimed to be good,
but we are also conscious
of our misuse
of what you have given to us.
Our governments
spend money in our name
maintaining “butter mountains”
and “wine lakes”,
and we subsidise farmers
to “set aside” land
so that less food is produced
- even though
our brothers and sisters
die each day from hunger.
On our paper money
we print the images
of famous people,
yet often do not treasure and uphold
the dignity of all who are made
in your image and likeness.
Open our hearts
to be influenced for good,
and inspire us
to touch the hearts of others.
Enable us to change the things
that contradict your love,
and may all your people
work and grow together
as brothers and sisters.

MajestyJo 03-17-2018 06:08 AM

We’ll use one of St Patrick’s prayers:

Let us pray:
Christ be with me and within me.
Christ be behind me and before me.
Christ be beside me
to comfort and restore me.
Christ be below and above me
in peace and in danger.
Christ be within the hearts
of all who love me.
Christ be in the words
of friend and stranger.

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