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MajestyJo 07-10-2014 03:28 AM

Grateful for another day.
Grateful for the blessing received.
Grateful that I could post even though my computer and me are running out of steam.
Grateful for the visit with my friend.
Grateful that I can feel grateful instead of those old feels that the world owed me a favour and it wasn`t delivering, certainly not fast enough.
Grateful that I don`t have to live that way any more.
Grateful for the tool kit of recovery. As they say, `There is a tool for every nut that walks into the rooms of recovery.`
Grateful for the good weather, sunshine instead of rain. Temperatures in the 70s instead of the 80s.
Grateful for those of you who walk this journey with me.

MajestyJo 07-11-2014 03:38 PM

Grateful for another day. Even more grateful, because the sun is shining and there is no humidy.
Grateful I got to the chiropractor, hope he fixed the issue that was causing the head aches, although a lot has been weather.
Grateful I got to the library to return my books and picked one up.
Grateful that I saw two ex-sponsees and they were sober.
Grateful that I was able to pick up a couple of bargains.
Grateful that the nurse came at 1 p.m. because I was thinking bed, and here I am, still on t computer.
Grateful when a plan comes together, even more grateful when it is not planned and it happens.
Grateful it is Friday, although it is not much difference from Thursday for me. LOL! Hopefully there will be better TV tonight.
Grateful there was nothing I wanted to watch, I could listen to music and finished my book. There is always a blessing.
Grateful for those who walk this journey with me.

MajestyJo 07-12-2014 07:25 PM

Grateful for another day.
Especially grateful for the sun, it is going to be replaced by rain and thunderstorms.
Grateful I got downtown, having a walk downtown helps my arthritis and my feet aren't as swollen today.
Grateful for another day to just be.
Grateful that God is, and I am grateful that He is a part of my life.
Grateful that my God reveals Himself to me daily.
Grateful for the bounties of the day, another walk through the flowers in Hess Village on the way home.
Grateful for this site.
Grateful for all of you who share this journey with me.

MajestyJo 07-15-2014 03:29 AM

Grateful for a new day, even though the sun has been replaced by rain. As my sponsor said, "my garden needs it.,"
Grateful for a full and busy day. Didn't leave much time for putting my feet up, but did make an effort at the library.
Grateful to get some posting done, the Sandman is calling me to my bed.
Grateful for the gifts restored to me in today.
Gratreful for all of you who walk this journey with me.
Grateful that "We can do what I can't do alone."
Grateful that I can walk in His Care.

MajestyJo 07-16-2014 05:54 AM

Grateful for a new day, even if it is suppose to rain all day.
Grateful that I know the cause of my pain. The weather is generally the culprit.
Grateful that I did a crystal meditation tonight after I realized that I wasn't in today and needed to be grounded. My crystals are in the shape of a swan and two babies and a piece of crystal that my aunt gave me that has a wren carved into it.
My grandparents were of Celtic origin.
Grateful that the otter is the totem of my feminine side.
So grateful that I was led to this site:
Grateful that you walk this journey with me.
Grateful for the fellowship and you. Especially grateful for those who send prayers and healing thoughts.
Some Love symbols:

MajestyJo 07-17-2014 07:38 PM

Grateful for a new day.
Grateful that I got to see my foot and family doctors.
Grateful that my doctor is open to listening to me and willing to send me for tests.
Grateful that I got to go and visit with my friend. I got to drink a nice cold glass of cranberry juice. I chose it over coffee. :)
Grateful that I walked out of the library without books. I glanced but didn't look too hard for new ones. ;)
Grateful that I had a connection with a couple of women who are not program, someone who just decides to talk to you.
I find it to be a real blessing. As I told my friend and sponsee, she had 16 years and I think I had 6 years of sobriety. We were in a coffee shop and a woman asked us to watch her shopping and her purse. I said to my friend, I wonder what she would say if she knew she was talking to a couple of recovering alcoholics? That would never have happened if we were using. So much to be grateful for.
Grateful for a loving and forgiving God.
Grateful that I am able to catch up on some posts.
Grateful for all those who walk this journey with me.

MajestyJo 07-19-2014 06:47 PM

Grateful for another two day. Yesterday was busy busy crash.
Grateful for the four hour talk last night with my sister who lives in Tweed, and a 20 min. talking with my sister who lives close. Then when you top it off with an hour with a dear friend, it all becomes bonus.
Grateful that I made it downtown.
Grateful that the rain was misty instead of wet, and I was able to dodge the drops and I arrived home damp instead of wet.
Grateful for the people my God puts in my path.
A lady, at least 80 years old, who is about 10 inches shorter, weighs about 60 lbs. at least less than I do, with arms and legs like toothpicks, offered to get off the bus first and help me down with my walker because I had 5 bags of groceries from the market, Denningers, and National Foods and another bag with 4 books I ordered and picked up at the library, along with my purse, and bag of facial tissues, my umbrella, and a few odds and ends I keep with me when I am out and about. I told her thanks, but it is easier getting off than it is getting on the bus.
Grateful I made it home because it started pouring rain.
Grateful that the A535 helped with the eggs and pains, and only my toes are paining.
Grateful for the food I have to eat. I was too tired to cook it and had a chicken sandwich.

I will be very grateful if I can finish posting, if not, it can be done later. Acceptance is always the answer. My mind is saying you should, and my body says, "You can't, you are already hurting."
Grateful I got to watch the last of the Equestrian Tournament.
Grateful that tennis is on later.
Grateful that there are some documentaries on Canada later.
Grateful for all of you who walk this journey with me.

MajestyJo 07-21-2014 05:11 PM

Grateful for yesterday and today.
Grateful that I got through it although I am guilty of allowing my pain to dictate my day.
Grateful that it is better late than never, and I am able to play catch up.
Grateful that my son cooked dinner.
Grateful that he washed my floors on the weekend.
Grateful that my pharmacy is downstairs and I don't have to go outside to get to it, to pick up my blister pack.
Grateful that I saw Katie show today, the topic was Adult Attention Devi cit. I was never diagnosed by a doctor although I think a counsellor mentioned it several years ago, and I think I owned it. When I heard it today, it confirmed what I have been thinking. It helps me to not beat myself up by my lack of action or my inability to always finish what I started, even in recover. So glad prayer and the tools of recovery, cover all aspects of my life.
Grateful for all of you who share this journey with me.

MajestyJo 07-22-2014 06:23 PM

Grateful for another day.
Grateful that I am feeling better, every time I woke up, I rolled over and went back to sleep, or got up to have a snack and a drink of water, then went back to bed.
Grateful I got confirmation for eye doctor tomorrow, appointment with nurse in the morning, and appointment with Holistic Center on Thursday and chiropractor on Friday.
Grateful for the services that are available.
Grateful for the food I eat. I found in recovery that I had a fear of going hungry, rooted in my past, during my second marriage. I did without so that others can eat.
Grateful for the awareness and the healing.
Grateful for the sunshine today, thunderstorms are being forecasted.
Grateful for things put in my path, for the thoughts I am given, which lead to something that is good and fun for me. Today I watched cliff diving and darts.
Grateful for all those who walk this journey with me.

MajestyJo 07-23-2014 02:45 AM

Grateful for a new day.
Grateful that I got some posting done as it is now starting to storm. Not so grateful for the thunder because now I have to turn off my music and my computer.
Grateful for a quiet night and I got some of my book read.
Grateful for those of you who walk this journey with me.

MajestyJo 07-24-2014 01:42 AM

Grateful for another 24 hours. I am grateful that a day can start any time.
Grateful that I got to the eye specialist and got good news and don't have to go back for 6 months to get a check up because of my diabetes.
Grateful the nurse today said that I shouldn't need any more help and my feet are healing. The pain is from my osteoporosis and the neuropathy in my feet.
Probably because of the Pseudo Gout, which I think is the most painful of all.
Grateful that I get to go to the Holistic Center today. Normally my left hip goes out, but today it is the right.
Grateful my son cooked us a chicken dinner. He got a call not to go into work for the last two days.
Grateful I made it to the library, the other day I picked up four and today 5, so now I have 15 books on hand. That should do me about 3 weeks.
Grateful my computer is back up and running. It can do what it wants after I post this. ;)
Grateful for the people my God put in my path today. He always knows when I need that personal connection.
Grateful for all who walk this journey with me.

MajestyJo 07-25-2014 10:51 PM

Grateful for another day, even though it has been a rough one.
Grateful that I didn't have to pick up a pill to deal with it. Thank God for foot baths, reflexology, prayer and meditation, exercises from my occupational therapist, and this site, that keeps me connected spiritually and in touch with my feelings.
Grateful that I made it too the mall, even though I bought a brownie treat. I may need sweets, my blood sugar as been low, but not so grateful that I ate the whole bag.
Grateful for prayer, need to pray for the willingness to be willing to give them up.
Grateful for the weather, it has been in the low 70s, which has been a real treat.
Grateful that the pain eased so I can think and work through it. Tried to post earlier but it didn't happen. I had to do things to do my part and trust the process.
Grateful for those who send me prayers.
Grateful for those who walk this journey with me.

MajestyJo 07-27-2014 01:55 AM

Grateful for another day. The one just past was very thin on gratitude.
Grateful for the spiritual awareness this program offers.
Grateful that I did not follow thought with action. I wanted to run away from home. Too bad I was in the middle of dinner at 7 p.m. or I would have gone to a meeting. The worst part was that the meeting was in the east end and I live central west.
Grateful that prayers are answered and my God can heal my thinking. I would have been all dressed up with no place to go.
Grateful that my son finally listened after telling him three times to turn down the TV. I think he forgets when he gets here that it is my apartment. Every once in a while, I have to set a boundary and remind him.
Grateful all of you and thank you for walking this journey with me.

MajestyJo 07-28-2014 02:34 AM

Grateful for another day even though it started with lot of thunder and rain. The rain is still happening, but the thunder has stopped for the now.
Grateful that I got downtown today.
Grateful I bought a pair of thongs for $2.99. My old ones were really old.
Grateful that I stood up for myself. I didn't create the scene I would have prior to recovery. I never did like being called a liar. I slapped a girl who called me one and she ended up in the middle of a double bed. Not a nice situation, the lie didn't warrant my action.
Grateful that I don't have to act that way in today.
Grateful that I got some of my book read.
Grateful for a new week. Each day just slips away and time goes by.
Grateful that I did a meditation with my crystal swans before I came online to post. Swans mean grace. My name JoAnne means God's special gift, and for that I am really grateful.

Grateful for all who walk this journey with me.
May your week be a good one and truly blessed by your Higher Power.

MajestyJo 07-29-2014 01:46 AM

Grateful for a new day. Yesterday's pain was manageable and allowed me to just be.
Grateful that it is a new day, my favourite show is on So You Think You Can Dance.
Grateful that tennis is on from 4-10 p.m. so I can do some channel surfing.
Grateful that it didn't rain all day.
Grateful for the gifts that were brought to my attention and the material I posted on the site. I enjoy going back to old posts and getting doubly blessed and new awareness.
Grateful for music, it is a strong spiritual connection for me.
Grateful for daily insights like the ones I had to day, my clothes don't grow with me and my skin isn't keeping up to my mind's eye and wishes.
Grateful for acceptance.
Grateful for the chicken salad sandwich I made and had with a strawberry yogourt.
Grateful for the site all who walk this journey with me.

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