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MajestyJo 10-23-2017 10:52 PM

Grateful for another day of sobriety.
Grateful that I was able to go back to sleep after being woke up by a drill, from somewhere close by.
Grateful for ear plugs.
Grateful that my son cooked dinner. He put the chicken in to roast. Peeled the carrots. Put the water on to cook the boil-in-bag rice, and woke me up to make the instant box stuffing and make the gravy.
Grateful that he took out the peaches to thaw. Hint, hint, Mother, make a pie.
Grateful that the rain came. I had less pain today than the day before when my body told me it was going to rain.
Grateful that I have a chiropractor who says, come in whenever you need to. I can see Wednesday being a need to if my head aches persist.
Grateful that my order to Darts to go to a meeting Sunday and Tuesday has gone through.
Grateful for the program of Narcotics Anonymous. I have always known I was an addict. My denial was about my alcoholism. I had to get rid of the excuses and admit, I used alcohol like I used everything else.
Grateful that the fall colors are out. Need to book a trip to my sisters to get out of the city and enjoy the countryside.
Grateful for those who follow me on my journey. Thank you for being there for me.

MajestyJo 10-26-2017 11:18 PM

Grateful for another day of sobriety.
Grateful that I got some housework done. For those that know me, know I don't like it.
Grateful that I can do, even when I don't like. It is called acceptance in my books.
Grateful that I got to go to the mall on Wednesday. Had to have a lay down when I got home.
Grateful that I got to play Queen of the house today. It has been a while since I could claim royalty and sit on my throne. Not so grateful that I missed my AA meeting.
Grateful that I found the energy to make blueberry muffins.
Grateful that my son made cake. We used butterscotch sauce instead of icing on the vanilla cake.
Grateful that tomorrow is pay day.
Grateful that it is Friday and I get to go to my NA group.
Grateful for the food I have to eat at the end of the month. I even found a pound of butter in the freezer.
Grateful it is suppose to get to 16 and 17 deg. C on the weekend. This translates to 61 and 63 deg. F. Sunny skies are suppose to go with those temperatures.
Grateful for my new long sweater coat, it is toasty warm. Even brought out my all weather coat in acknowledgement of colder temperatures ahead.
Grateful that my God is very good to me.
Grateful that I finish my book and started an express book by Harlen Coben. A long time since I have read any of his books.
Grateful for the eyes that allow me to read.
Grateful for all those who walk this journey with me.

MajestyJo 11-01-2017 10:28 PM

Grateful for another day of sobriety.
Grateful that they make awesome strawberry and apple turnovers at Nations Foods.
Grateful that my God allowed me to connect with members of my group, others from the fellowship, and two who went back out and haven't made it back in yet.
Grateful that the rain stayed away, not so grateful that the sun did for the most part too.
Grateful that I was able to get all the books from a series by a new author.
Grateful for the library, my home away from home.
Grateful that I made it to my chiropractor's appointment. He was happy with me and I was happy because my visit was n/c.
Grateful that my body is much improved from two weeks ago. He was worried that I was shaking so much and my body was very much out of alignment.
Grateful that I got my zig to go with my zag.
Grateful that I had some soup left to reheat for dinner.
Grateful that I found two new sets of cards. Couldn't decide, so bought both. One is the Shaman Oracle and the other is on Trees. I love trees.
Grateful that my meditation last night said I needed to get back to doing more meditation. I think there are times I put my God on the express line, when I want to lose myself in my books.
Grateful that each day is a new beginning.
Grateful for all those who walk this journey with me. God Bless.

MajestyJo 11-15-2017 06:57 AM

Grateful for another day of sobriety.
Grateful that my God is a forgiving One. I haven't expressed my gratitude for ten days.
Grateful that I have felt like eating, in fact, I was feeling kind of piggish instead of peakiness. Spell check says it is a word, not sure it is the one I want.
Grateful that I can make a mistake and laugh at myself.
Grateful that I made it to a meeting yesterday. I missed my group on Friday and the Sunday night meeting, Courage to Change. I had good intentions.
Grateful for a mini-meeting with my friend from CA, at least my God showed me that I missed my group, and I was grateful to be talking to a long-time friend.
Grateful for the hugs I got at the NA group last night. The will last me until I get to my AA group on Thursday. Then I have my NA group on Friday. I am trying to do three meetings a week. It is what is good for me spiritually.
Grateful for freedom of choice. Once I make a choice, I can always choose again.
Grateful for that the snow missed us and didn't stick around.
Grateful that I have my internet, TV, and phone operating. Three things are a bit much to accept. It is a good thing that I like to read.
Grateful for the library. I have a book due tomorrow and I haven't finished it. It is a Jack Reacher book by Lee Child. I still don't see Tom Cruise and Reacher, I am sorry Tom. You are just not rugged enough. I see Jack as an add for the Marlboro Man commercials.
Grateful that I can make an amend for being judgmental. If you see this Tom, I am sorry if you find my thoughts to be hurtful.
Grateful that all I need to do is be willing to make an amend.
Grateful that it is almost time for Christmas music and the Santa Clause Parade. It generally gets me in the mood. They had 100 white and/or colored mini Christmas lights for sale in Shoppers Drug Mart. They want $14.99 for them. I told the young sales clerk, I was thinking more along the lines of $6.99. Perhaps if they put them on for $9.99 I will consider buying them.
Grateful for all the good things and the not so good things this month. I just know I have had a lot of sadness and healing.
Grateful for all those who walk this journey with me. God Bless.

dwmoeller 11-15-2017 10:23 AM

Grateful to be alive and sober today!

MajestyJo 11-22-2017 12:31 AM

Grateful that I am able to sit at my computer and post. It is hard to believe that I was off my computer for 6 days.
Grateful that I made it to a meeting Sunday and tonight, seeing as I missed my home group meetings Thursday and Friday.
Grateful that each day is a new beginning. Truthfully, some days it has been, thanks God this day is over.
Grateful that I found a new author and trying to read all the books she has written. Took 4 books back to the library today and came home with 6 new ones.
Grateful that there are books to fill up my day. I would rather read than watch TV for the most part. I am even behind in my tennis shows.
Grateful that I got to go back to my rheumatologist to get the results of my x-rays and blood work. The kidneys are still not performing up to par and I am a little anemic. I have some compressed discs in my spine, which I new about before. He has offered to give me a cortisone shot in my hip and shoulder next week. I am not sure I want to, the remedy, has always been worse than the pain in the past. Those needles are deadly. He informed me he was quite good at giving them. Not sure that relieved my worry and fear.
Grateful that recovery never grows old. The program works when we work for it.
Grateful that a day can start any time. I try to align my will to my God's, some days are better than others.
Grateful for all those who walk this journey with me.

MajestyJo 11-23-2017 05:52 PM

Grateful for this site.
Grateful for my sobriety.
Grateful for those who walk this journey with me.

MajestyJo 11-25-2017 07:23 PM

Grateful for a day of sobriety.
Grateful that my son cooked dinner.
Grateful that I made it to my meeting yesterday.
Grateful it is to warm up by Tuesday, not looking forward to the possibility of snow tomorrow.
Grateful for Darts, even though they get me to my destination early and I have to wait for pick up, it sure beats fighting the weather elements.
Grateful for the new cards I found. One on trees, one on butterflies, and the other a Shaman's Oracle.
Grateful for the gifts of recovery, especially freedom from active addiction and freedom to be myself.
Grateful for those who walk this journey with me.

MajestyJo 11-29-2017 08:54 PM

Grateful for another day of sobriety.
Grateful that I feel like doing laundry. A good thing, because I have a lot to do.
Grateful that my son cooked dinner while I slept and left me some steak.
Grateful that I had a good sleep. I felt rested when I woke up.
Grateful for NA, have been getting a lot of good out of the meetings I have been attending.
Grateful for the NA Just for Today book. I use to belong to Courage to Change in the past. In today, I make a point of going there because they still read the readings for the week and discuss them. It is such a good way to learn how to live in today, clean and sober.
Grateful that I bought laundry soap, have lots of laundry to do. When I put it in the cupboard, i found out that I had bought 3 others on sale too. Can't beat a price of $4.99 for Tide.
Grateful for the little things in life. They add up to a big thing. A day of serenity and sobriety, you can't beat that.
Grateful for the food I have to eat. Grateful for the money I have to buy more.
Grateful for each day, even though my day today started at 5:30 p.m. One of these days, I am going to get it right.
Grateful for all those who walk this journey with me. God Bless.

dwmoeller 11-30-2017 08:23 AM

I'm grateful to be alive and sober today.
I'm grateful for the local Thursday night AA meeting.
I'm grateful for my morning cup of coffee.

MajestyJo 12-02-2017 01:27 PM

Grateful for another day of sobriety (so far).
Grateful that the sun decided to shine and came out from behind the fog and smog.
Grateful that I remember to eat lunch on time.
Grateful that I have been listening to my body. I don't always act on what I hear. It has been asking to go back to bed for 2 hours.
Grateful that my son is going to pick up groceries on his way home from work. We will see.
Grateful for my computer. Not so grateful when it wants to update something when I am in the middle of a post.
Grateful I remembered. I took to bed for a nap, went to roll over and remembered I hadn't finished my post.
Grateful that it sounds simple, but for my mind lately, thinking has become a task at times.
Grateful that my sister was leaving the hospital and going home.
Grateful that my bug-a-boos haven't put me into the hospital. No way do I ever want to go back there.
Grateful that I got back up, I just may go for my walk if I can get my shoes on. The sun looks so tempting, don't want to miss out on it.
Grateful for all those who walk this journey with me. God Bless.
Grateful I found some Charlie Brown Christmas Images.

MajestyJo 12-07-2017 02:16 AM

Grateful for another day of sobriety.
Grateful that I didn't get in the way and allowed my God to work through me.
Grateful for Christmas music.
Grateful that my eye test came out some positively.
Grateful that my eye doctor was so please he booked my next appointment in May 2018.
Grateful that diabetes had not affected my sight and I am still able to read.
Grateful that the swelling went out of my feet.
Grateful that they haven't swollen up after me doing so much posting. My God is very good to me.
Grateful for my crystals and the healing I received. Slipping them under my pillow, seemed to have helped. Whether it is the thought or the deed, I am grateful for the result.
Grateful that the big cyst on my right leg has disappeared. My doctor said it wouldn't go away. So grateful that my God answers prayer.
Grateful that I had all the ingredients to make chocolate pudding tonight.
Grateful that I don't get the thought and the energy to make it too often.
Grateful for the 5 hour nap I had when I came home out of the cold. Don't like to see those minus signs in front of the numbers when I look for the weather.
Grateful that I had Echinacea to take when I started sneezing tonight.
Grateful that I got some catching up done.
Grateful for those who follow my recovery road. God Bless.

dwmoeller 12-07-2017 09:54 AM

Grateful to be alive and sober today!

MajestyJo 12-09-2017 04:10 PM

Grateful for another day of sobriety.
Grateful that I got to play and chase my next door neighbor's dog Spencer. He is a delight and smart as a whip. When I picked up, he was quivering so hard and it sounded like he was purring.
Grateful that I got down to the pharmacy to get my medication checked. I have to be watchful that I don't lose my balance and fall again.
Grateful that I was able to record curling. I am way behind in watching it seeing as I was out Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
Grateful that I have a Christmas party to go to. I promised to make coleslaw.
Grateful that the sun is shining somewhere, it has too much cloud cover to make itself known here.
Grateful that I made it to my AA meeting on Thursday and my NA meeting on Friday.
Grateful for the founders of AA and the people who followed them and made the way open for me.
Grateful that we need to find our own program. What worked for me may not have worked for someone else.
Grateful for family and friends who allow me to be a part of their life.
Grateful for those who following me on my recovery road. God Bless.

MajestyJo 12-17-2017 09:55 PM

Grateful for my sobriety, even though I haven't shown it or shared about it.
Grateful that I got to my home group Friday and my meeting today.
Grateful for the meeting Courage to Change. There is generally a newcomer at the meeting and people with months of sobriety. Sobriety being soundness of mind.
Grateful that the program lives in the present, in the solution, not the problem. It isn't about how much you used, or what you used, it is about how we can help you with your problem today.
Grateful that my son cooked dinner tonight, even though I didn't get to eat it until after my meeting.
Grateful that my son doesn't like tea biscuits all the more for me. ;) He did manage to eat a couple of them.
Grateful for my sobriety and that I can be there for others.
Grateful for all the people my God has put in my path.
Grateful that I don't have to do this program alone. It is a we program.
Grateful for the people who share their journey with me. God Bless.

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