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MajestyJo 05-20-2014 07:12 PM

Grateful for another day. It hasn't been one of serenity, but I got through it clean and sober.
Grateful that my pork chops and garlic potatoes turned out good enough to eat.
Grateful for the healing meditation I had today. I slept, and woke up feeling a little better.
Grateful for the rain, as long as it helps someone, sure doesn't help me, my body is not liking it, but it is learning to accept it and deal with it.
Grateful that even though I suffer from chronic pain and fatigue, I can get through my day without picking up. For that, I am truly grateful.
Grateful that is the final shows on TV (Dancing with the Stars and The Voice), that I have watched faithfully; and "So You Think You Can Dance," is coming on next week.
These shows really enlighten me, lift up my spirit, and make me grateful to be able to hear and enjoy the music.
Grateful for all of you who walked this journey with me.

MajestyJo 05-22-2014 08:39 PM

Grateful for another day of sobriety.
Grateful for the warmer weather in the high 60s, which was made warmer by the sun.
Grateful that I got some more sleep after going downtown.
Grateful that I met people I knew, some from my building, some from AA, and some who use to be in AA. They carry a great message to me.
Grateful for the message, that it doesn`t get any better out there and I have no desire to go back to it.
Grateful for them for carrying the message to me, `To use is to die.`
Grateful for my left over chicken stew, didn`t have to cook.
Grateful that I can come on line and share, when all the TV shows don`t interest me.
Grateful for my Smooth Jazz station.
Grateful for all of you who share this journey with me.

MajestyJo 05-23-2014 10:39 PM

Grateful for another day, it has been a long one with only 4 hours sleep.
Grateful that I remembered to do the do things to deal with life and my pain.
Grateful that the program was in place.
Grateful for the men and women who started AA, along with Bill W. and Dr. Bob.
Grateful that the program worked for me. I had a lot of outside issues.
Grateful that the program is applicable to all areas of my life.
Grateful that the sun was out, although I didn't get to see much of it. It was behind closed doors and windows kind of day.
Grateful that I have freedom of choice.
Grateful that I chose recovery. Just for today, I choose not to abuse myself or others.
Grateful for the roast beef dinner turned out. I had difficulty making it, so needed to be grateful that I had the food to cook, and the ability to eat it.
Grateful for all of you who walk this journey with me.

MajestyJo 05-24-2014 06:00 PM

Grateful for another day.
Grateful that the day was sunny and warm.
Grateful for the blessing received and the people my God put in my life.
Grateful that I could catch up on some posting.
Grateful the program, that allows me to get through a day, no matter what.
Grateful for the faith that I have, that faith can work for you too.
Grateful for those who travel this recovery road with me.

MajestyJo 05-26-2014 02:14 PM

Grateful for another day.
Grateful for two sunny days.
Grateful to wake up with no pain. It may catch up to me later, but that is okay. That is the way my life is.
Grateful for the program which helps me to find the acceptance I need each day.
Grateful for the program that taught me to lower my expectations and not project them onto others.
Grateful for the gifts each day, the food I eat, whether it is for the body, mind, and spirit.
Grateful that tomorrow is still a thought and hasn't yet come into being. One day's thoughts, actions, feelings, situations, experiences, etc.
Grateful that it is one day at a time, just for today, I choose not to use.
Grateful that the French Open Tournament has started and I have two weeks of tennis to look forward to. ;)
Grateful for all of you who walk this journey with me.

MajestyJo 05-28-2014 12:37 AM

Grateful for another day, one with promise.
Grateful that I got some answers and something is being done to get to the cause and affect.
Grateful that I get to see the lung specialist today. The chest pains and coughing have gotten worse in the humidity.
Grateful that I get to see my doctor on Thursday, but that is another day. :)
Grateful that I got to share with my friend tonight. She hasn't been well, so glad I was able to connect with her.
With her, it is more than a connection, we talked for an hour and 45 min. about recovery and healing.
Grateful that tomorrow is pay day. I can treat myself after seeing the lung specialist and the x-rays.
Grateful the sun is suppose to be shining today, it was smoggy which made for a lot of doom and gloom, if you couldn't envision the sun on the other side.
Grateful for all of you who travel this journey with me.
Grateful it is a "bee" day, it is good to be me. It is good to be you.

MajestyJo 05-31-2014 11:16 AM

Grateful for another day. My apology for not being able to post the last few days.
Grateful for the nice kind of busy in my life. Even if my outings were to doctors.
Grateful that I got out with my son's help to go shopping.
Grateful that he made the effort to meet me at the sleeping disorder clinic when I came out.
Grateful the test is done and will try to be grateful that I have to go back for anther test again, as the results last night said that I have severe breathing issues.
Grateful that after posting, a lot of my pain has resided. It always seems to work for me. When I share, it helps me to release my pain, give me new awareness and enlightenment, be it good or not so good.
Grateful for the sunshine.
Grateful that my God is the Light in my life.
Grateful for those of you who travel this journey with me.
Grateful that you can't get germs from my coughing, sneezing, and other breathing problems. My nose seems to know as Jimmy Durante use to say, but it doesn't seem to know when to stop. ;)

MajestyJo 06-02-2014 07:31 AM

Grateful for a new day, even though I have yet to finish yesterday.
Grateful that I got to finish my book.
Grateful for tennis although I haven`t been able to see it all.
Grateful for the sunshine. I can`t go out in it until I get a phone call from my landlord.
Grateful for the food I ate, especially the chocolate pudding I made.
Grateful that I got to see a new show on the Food Network.
Grateful for my sense of humour.
Grateful for you all who walk this journey with me.

MajestyJo 06-03-2014 10:04 PM

Grateful for a new day, even though it started many times. ;)
Grateful that I could come onto the site today and share with everyone.
Grateful when I am led to where I need to be and know what to ask for.
Grateful that I always seem to get the message that I need daily, for me, that is how the program works.
Grateful for daily readings, it is good to have a source of recovery shares that give me food for the day. Even for me, it isn't always easy to talk to myself.
Grateful for the post on acceptance, it is the key to my sobriety today. If I can't find acceptance, I can't live in today. I may survive, I may just be, but what I am being is depending of my acceptance. I accept my pain in today, where do I go from there? That is my choice and with the help of my God, we get through a day without using people, places and things in today.
Grateful for my sense of humour and the ability to see the funny side.
Grateful that my God is, as He reveals Himself to me in today.
Grateful for all who walk this journey with me.

MajestyJo 06-06-2014 01:48 AM

Grateful that I am still sober.
Grateful that I don't abuse my medication. The new medication eases the pain, but don"t like all the sleeping, and the side affects are taking me to a place where I am thinking of going back to the pain, instead of not feeling like I am me. It has taken me to a place where I don't feel like I have sobriety, so God and I are working on it.
Grateful that I was able to get to the store today.
Grateful I connect with a couple of friends.
Grateful that each day is a new beginning. What I didn't get done today, there is hope for a better tomorrow. When it gets here, it is today. :)
Grateful for those who walk this recovery road with me.

MajestyJo 06-07-2014 05:30 AM

Grateful for a new day.
Grateful that I managed to get 8 hours sleep last night to make up for the 1 hour the night before.
Grateful for waking up with a head ache, bordering on migraine. I just means more meditation and asking for help and healing.
Grateful that I could see the cause, and I was able to turn it over, because the more I thought about the issue, the head ached more.
Grateful for a new dawn, the sun has yet to make an appearance, but the glow is on the horizon.
Grateful for the thought of going downtown AFTER the women's final at the French Open Tennis Tournament.
Grateful that small things can still make my heart go pitter patter.
Grateful for all of you who walk this journey with me. We can do what I can't do alone.


Hebrews 6:10
God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them.

MajestyJo 06-08-2014 03:42 AM

Grateful for a new day, it is 3 1/2 hours old.
Grateful that I can post tonight, I have had a very tiring day, but a good kind of tired.
Grateful it was such a beautiful day, 72 deg. F. and lots of sun. My next door neighbor walked most of the way downtown with me, and I chose to walk outside instead of going through the mall.
Grateful that I run into my ex-sponsee who informed me she is drinking. I also ran into a guy from my building and John the guy who fixed my computer. I call them mini-blessings.
Grateful for the library. I had no intentions of going up to the second floor and the large print section, but found myself there and found two new authors that look interesting.
Grateful that I was able to get what I needed from the grocery store. Not so grateful that I forgot eggs and veggie oil.
Grateful I got to watch tennis.
Grateful that I got caught up on my sleep.
Grateful for all of you who walk this journey with me. Some days I can't walk too far, but I try to do the best I can, one day at a time.

Goose Attributes: New Beginnings, wisdom, inspiration, happiness,

by D. J. Conway

MajestyJo 06-13-2014 01:30 AM

Grateful for a new day.
Grateful that my fears got put aside and walked in faith and got done what I had to do.
Grateful that my doctor listened and ordered Home Care for me.
Grateful that I found some money in my a/c that I didn't know I had so went to the salad buffet and treated myself.
Grateful each day for my God's mercy and grace.
Grateful for all of you who walk this journey with me.
Grateful for a change in attitude.

MajestyJo 06-15-2014 02:32 AM

Grateful for a new day, even though my actions do not show it.
Grateful that the desire to drink and drug are gone.
Grateful that I made it through the pain, emotional and physical the last few days.
Grateful that although I did not get all the things accomplished that I wanted to do, I made a start.
Grateful for the healing tonight that allowed me to be able to post.
Grateful for all of you who walk this journey with me.

MajestyJo 06-16-2014 02:43 AM

Grateful for another day.
Grateful that Dave had a new home computer.
Grateful the nurse came to dress the two sores on my left foot.
Grateful that they are coming again on Tuesday.
Grateful that I get my test results at the Sleep Disorder clinic on the 18th.
Grateful that I could cook dinner, even if I could not eat it.
Grateful that tennis is done for now and then Wimbledon will start in a week.
Grateful for the pieces of chocolate cake with vanilla pudding and mocha icing that Bert gave me from a mutual friends anniversary.
Grateful that the leader at the U.S. Open managed to hold his lead and win the tournament.
Grateful that gratitude makes for a much better day.
Grateful for all of you who share this journey with me.

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