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dwmoeller 08-30-2018 09:52 AM

Just for today I will try to live through this day only, and not tackle all my problems at once. I will be happy. I will try to strengthen my mind. I will study and learn something useful. I will choose life by choosing recovery. I will take care of myself.

MajestyJo 09-12-2018 05:53 PM

Just for today, I will practice accepting of what is in the moment. Living with a bunch of fellow seniors can be challenging.

MajestyJo 09-16-2018 04:03 PM

Just for today, I will show my gratitude for the gifts of today. Some may find them small, but to me they are big things. Like my visit from my friend Matt.

MajestyJo 09-17-2018 11:31 AM

Just for today, I will let go of my anger. I need to remember that the people around me don't have program. The anger only hurts me and eats away from my soul.

dwmoeller 09-18-2018 09:38 AM

MajestyJo 09-20-2018 07:05 PM

Just for today, I will continue to work on my patience and tolerance. I was told to talk to my doctor (who is in Europe with her son) a substitute told me to tell my nurse my problem and shut the door on me. So grateful for this program.

MajestyJo 09-23-2018 12:30 PM

Just for today, I need to put some gratitude into my attitude and say, "...but for the grace of God, there go I."

A gentleman has dementia, at least that is what I think is what is wrong with him. I always say, there is no excuse for rudeness. He gives new meaning to the words.

dwmoeller 09-24-2018 08:45 AM

MajestyJo 09-24-2018 10:22 AM

Just for today, I will work my program to the best of my ability. I will remember, let it begin with me. It isn't about the other person, it is about me and MY recovery.

Lucy 09-24-2018 04:00 PM

Just for today, I will be humble and grateful. I will do my small tasks and prayers knowing that they all add to my serenity. I will not expect others to conform to my ideas of what they should do.

MajestyJo 09-29-2018 10:53 AM

Just for today, I will put some gratitude into my attitude. I will remember "Let it begin wih me." I not only need to express it but show it. My God has been very good to me.

MajestyJo 09-30-2018 01:05 PM

Just for today, I will try to get things organized. I don't do organized well. It is the end of the month and I have bills to pay.

MajestyJo 10-01-2018 10:51 AM

Just for today, I will remember that each day is a new beginning. I don't have to pick up the trials and troubles of yesterday, I can just look at today and take things as they come.

MajestyJo 10-03-2018 04:27 AM

Just for today, I will let go of my resentments. I will let go of what I can't change and my frustrations of yesterday, and not bring them into today. Today is a new beginning and I have to go back to the same hospital today, so have to make room for any more resentments that may arise. ;)

dwmoeller 10-10-2018 10:52 AM

MajestyJo 10-27-2018 12:52 PM

Just for today, I will give my ego a back seat. I will be grateful for what has been given to me, knowing that what I have, is God given. I, Self, and Me don't get me any where that is for my Higher Good.

MajestyJo 11-10-2018 11:29 PM

Just for today, I will remember the ISMs of my dis-ease, I Self, and Mr. I must remember it isn't all about me. Remember first things first is my recovery. Without it, I have nothing.

MajestyJo 11-14-2018 08:56 PM

Just for today, I will raise my level of acceptance. I was told today that I need to use my walking cast for another 6 weeks. I don't have to wear it all the time, just when I need it. That brings to mind the Serenity prayer, and the wisdom to know the difference. If you don't know, don't do. When the time is right, we will know if we turn it over to our HP.

I also have to accept the weight gain due to medication. I do feel better, but I don't feel better about the extra pound I am carrying around.

MajestyJo 11-20-2018 10:54 PM

Just for today, I will take things one day at a time. This is Tuesday, and I will be leaving Dundurn Place and going home on Friday morning. I will be sad to go. The routine and discipline has been good for me. Hopefully I can take some of it home with me. Mind you, they still haven't figured out my sleep patterns, I am about 2 hours past bed time.

MajestyJo 12-11-2018 01:25 PM

Just for today, I will try to be more active in my recovery. Coming to the site and sharing with others, helps me and hopefully it will help someone else. I can't always get out, so it helps me to come here, and it helps me to go within and take my own inventory as to where I am at in my recovery in today. It doesn't matter that I have been in the fellowship for 27 years. it is a one day at a time program. I have to work my program daily.

MajestyJo 12-15-2018 10:16 PM

Just for today, I will let go of worry and fret. Doesn't get me any where and leves me with a headache. Let go and let God.

MajestyJo 12-16-2018 10:31 AM

Just for today, I will let go of my anger. I have been sitting at my computer and smelling pot. My son said he was not smoking it. He said it is coming from the building. My window is closed and there doesn't seem to be any fresh air in this City. Thinking it could be metaphysical and I need to do some healing on this topic. Just because it is legal doesn't make it right. For me, that is self justification.

MajestyJo 12-17-2018 07:26 PM

Just for today, I will give thanks that I am home and have had no falls. My mobility seems to improve daily, although today I haven't left my apartment. Tomorrow is my travelling day. Feeling the winter blues, so put on some music and came online to post. It helps to get out of self.

Always try to practice Step Ten morning, noon, and night. Looking at my life and seeing where I am at. As a result, I picked up the phone and called my friend Theresa.

MajestyJo 12-18-2018 01:01 PM

Just for today, I am asking for patience and tolerance as I am feeling sick and tired of being tired and sick. Not a good place for me to be at. Hope to feel better by this time next week. I have been doing a meditation this morning, so will see what comes through. Need healing for my kidneys and my feet.

MajestyJo 12-23-2018 11:37 AM

Just for today, I will stay out of trouble over the holidays. I will not game play, I will not push other people's buttons, I will try not to instigate an argument, in other words, I will try to do onto others as I would have others do onto me.

MajestyJo 12-26-2018 02:44 AM

Just for today, I will give thanks for family. Grateful for my recovery family as well as my immediate family. I will let them know that they are loved

MajestyJo 12-27-2018 01:04 PM

Just for today, I will accept where I am at. I just don't feel good and I am going to take myself back to bed. I will try to finish some more postings, but will accept things as they are if I can't finish them all. I had to turn off my TV because it was making too much noise.

1dayatatime06 12-27-2018 01:38 PM

Hope you feel better soon. :)

MajestyJo 12-29-2018 05:09 AM

Thanks, I did feel better.

Just for today, I will try to motivate myself and do some do things that need doing. If I can, I will walk down to the mall, if not, I will take a taxi. I know I have to go there, just can't remember why. ;)

MajestyJo 12-30-2018 08:21 PM

Just for today, I have to accept the consequences of my actions. I did and done more and then I crashed and as a result, I can't do any more in today. I was up all night and didn't go to bed until 8 a.m today. Not that I did much, I was back in my old addiction, cribbage Solitaire. Looks like God and I still have some work to do.

MajestyJo 12-31-2018 10:04 PM

Just for today, I am going to watch my diet or should I say lack of one. We can abuse ourselves by eating too much OR not eating enough. Both require healthy choices, eating a balanced diet. Mine has been lacking lately, too many sweets which has affected the neuropathy in my feet. My bad, my pain, I can't allow it to dictate my life

MajestyJo 01-05-2019 10:34 AM

Just for today, I am trying to practice putting into action the slogan, learn to listen, listen to learn. When I feel pain, instead of ignoring it and continuing on, making the pain worse, I stop and tak a time out.

Also trying to have patience with me and my computer. ;) It doesn't make it easy to post, but for the most part, it is me that is down for the count and I can' blame it for my less than perfect performances. Progress, not perfection.

MajestyJo 01-09-2019 12:49 AM

Just for today, I will stay in the moment. I have to go and check into the fracture clinic. If I am hurting in the morning, I will go to emergency room after being at the fracture clinic. Will put my body into God's Care and let Him show me what I need for my Higher Good.

MajestyJo 01-10-2019 04:40 AM

Just for today, I will endorse myself. It is okay o be me, but is the me in today, who I want to be?

I need to take an inventory, always good to ask God's Help first, then ask for His help afterward to change what you don't like about yourself or what is not condusive to recovery, serenity and peace.

Just had a thought, I know that is scary. "You and me and God make Three. We can do what I can't do alone." Between you and me, we just might get it right.

MajestyJo 01-11-2019 10:16 PM

Just for today, I will not dictate my life, but I will not ignore it either. I have done exercises and prayer, so when I go off line, it will be meditation and a nap before I have to fix dinner. I will not let it get between me and my goal for today, which is to make it to my business meeting at 6 pm.

MajestyJo 01-12-2019 03:16 PM

Just for today, I will ltry to be there for others and not sit in my stuff and worry and weep. My do things are done and all I need to do is go back to my bed and get some more sleep. It is better than taking a pill. If I can't sleep then I will take a pill for the pain. It has proven many times over, when I am hurting, I can come on line and share and my pain diminishes

MajestyJo 01-14-2019 08:19 PM

Just for today, I will get out of self and help others. I will carry the message of recovery, there is a better way, and what they do with it is none of my business. I will take the Steps I need for my own recovery.

MajestyJo 01-15-2019 06:07 PM

Just for today, I will let go of my fear and walk in faith My vision has returned and not blurred at the moment, so I am grateful I am going to close up shop and go prepare some dinner. Practice some self care and see where my God leads

MajestyJo 01-18-2019 01:40 PM

Just for today, I will practice self care. I have a lot more I could say, but need to have a rest with my feet up, so I can walk across the road to my meeting tonight I haven't been to one for a week, and my mind is very lacking at the moment.

MajestyJo 01-24-2019 06:44 PM

Just for today, I will work on my acceptance. Not easy to accept head aches and aching all over. I just pray and ask for what I need for my health and well being. I know that I need to accept what is in the moment, it is subject to change if I am open to changing. As the old saying goes, nothing changes, if nothing changes

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