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MajestyJo 08-11-2016 07:42 PM

Grateful for another day of sobriety.
Grateful that I didn't have that much pain. Just a few twinges that got to me a couple of times, but I didn't allow my pain to dictate my day.
Grateful that my dinner of roast beef, carrots, mushrooms, and onions with mashed potatoes turned out to be good.
Grateful that I was able to eat and not think more, until I wanted dessert. I decided to have some maple syrup, a Canadian thing, with a slice of bread.
Grateful that I made it to my group today.
Grateful that we had all the chairs filled.
Grateful that I got plans done for my anniversary. I made a deposit of $10. toward any expenses. I suggested Timbits from Tim Hortons instead of a cake.
Grateful for hugs. They just make a day special, especially when you see somone who really needs one.
Grateful that my friend Bert is celebrating 33 years on Friday and he said yes when I phoned to invite myself.
Grateful for the Olympics and the work all the athletes put into the events.
Grateful for the rain we got, it didn't make it cooler in my apartment, but hopefully it did some good outside.
Grateful that every day can be one of thanksgiving.
Grateful for all of you who walk this journey with me.


MajestyJo 08-20-2016 12:01 AM

Grateful that I had a sober day. My gratitude has been in short supply when I look at the last time I shared on it.
Grateful that I didn't drink today. I was catching up on sleep and watching the Olympics, didn't do much sharing with others on the internet, but have been talking to a few friends on the phone and the newcomer I met a few weeks ago, still calls me every day.
Grateful that we have this wonderful land called Canada and they are making a good showing at the Olympics. As we like to say, the failure is in the not trying and reaching your personal best, is winning in my eyes. Congratulations to the U.S. for all their medals.
Grateful that I got my other book finished and read another one. It was a new book by Iris Johansen called Night and Day. i have a James Patterson book sitting in the wings called Bullseye, a new book to the Michael Bennett series. It was calling me, but decided to put first things first and argue with my mouse and come here and post.
Grateful for another day of sobriety. In a few more days August 25, I will be celebrating my 25th anniversary. It will be a gratitude meeting instead of a speaker meeting. So grateful to be clean and sober, although today, I felt like I used my bed, and yet I felt justified because I had lost some sleep the last few days.
Grateful for all of you who follow my journey with me. God Bless.

MajestyJo 08-22-2016 09:08 PM

Grateful for another sober day. Sobriety was come see come saw! ;)
Grateful for my recovery. Celebrating 25 years yesterday, makes me very grateful.
Grateful that the key word that keeps coming up in today is 'believe.'
Grateful that my son wasn't killed or paralized. His cheek is broken in four places.
Grateful for the food I get to eat. Today was baked chicken, noodles, and mushy peas.
Grateful that my feet are not swollen. They haven't been swollen for two days. Ironically, I had an appointment to see my doctor about the swelling at the request of the dietician I saw a couple of weeks ago.
Grateful that the dietician is calling me tomorrow to do a follow up.
Grateful that I can change my mind and change the channel. I keep hearing the word 'Trump' and I change the channel. I use to watch shows like The View, The Talk, and Ellen, and I ended up canceling the recordings of their shows. To me he is like the Anti-Christ they speak of in Revelations in the Bible although I don't like to give him that much importance.
Grateful to be a Canadian even though politics is politics, and I don't want to have anything to do with it.
Grateful for my own space and the right to make it safe and the best it can be in today.
Grateful that it is almost bedtime, even though I had an afternoon sleep. I am reminded that the dietician is supose to call at 8:30 a.m. That is generally my sleep time.
Grateful for the slogan, "How important is it?" When it comes to my sobriety, it is very important.
Grateful for those who walk this journey with me. God Bless.

BBJohn 08-25-2016 01:30 PM

Congratulations from the South Coast of England on 25 years Jo, it clearly works and gives those like me hope and belief.
Thanks also for all you do here.

MajestyJo 08-25-2016 03:38 PM

Thanks John, much appreciated. Very much done one day at a time, that is what I had put on my medallion. My son even called me from work this morning before I left for my group to congratulate me. I was surprised he remembered. Between the two of you, you made my day.

My anniversary was special too. Several people who were a big part of my recovery were there. My best friend gave me my medallion.

I had a gratitude meeting. So grateful for the program, it helped me to find myself and taught me a new way of life.

MajestyJo 08-27-2016 03:48 AM

Grateful for another day of sobriety.
Grateful that my son is alive and that he doesn't need plastic surgery.
Grateful that I remembered to go to get my blood work done. They said I missed a couple of weeks. I said, One week, I went on the following Monday because I had a doctor's appointment and the other Friday, I forgot it was Friday and was busy on the Monday.
Grateful that I have a memory, even though some days it seems to be getting shorter and shorter.
Grateful that my God sees me through. Don't you just love those days that go with the flow. For me, it is going in the direction of the green light. Don't let anything stop you, go where you need to go. So many times I have taken an alternate route, only to find someone I had been thinking about, someone I hadn't seen for a long time, or I meet a new friend.
Grateful that my God is very good to me. God is good. Good is God.
Grateful that I have my eye sight. I do love to read.
Grateful for all of you who share this journey with me. God Bless you as much as He has Blessed me.

MajestyJo 08-29-2016 09:06 PM

Grateful for another day of sobriety.
Grateful that I had a day withoutpain. Not so grateful that it caught up to me today.
Grateful for a good dinner, even though I could eat much.
Grateful for ice packs. There was a time I couldn't put them near my body.
Grateful that I went to the pharmacy and found things on sale that I needed. Some were not needed in the moment, but the bargain was so good, it was too good a buy to pass up.
Grateful that the sun was shining, even though I didn't go out in it. I hope that will change tomorrow.
Grateful that the 1st of September is getting close. I get to see my foot specialist.
Grateful that the newcomer is still sober and calls me every day.
Grateful that I heard that the U.S. Open Tennis Tournament is on. I didn't find out in time to record some of the games. I have been to sick today to watch them, but they are there when I am feeling better.
Grateful for frogs. They remind me that I need to cleanse the body, mind and spirit. Get rid of the old to make room for the new.
Grateful for all of you who walk this journey with me. God Bless you and much as He blesses me.

MajestyJo 08-30-2016 08:41 PM

Grateful for another day of sobriety.
Grateful that I got to visit with my friend Theresa.
Grateful that my favourite grocery store had a 99 cent sale. Not so grateful that they didn't have more of what I like on sale, but did get some bargains.
Grateful that there are still generous souls walking this planet. I bought us dinners from Nation's Foods buffet only to find that the interact machine was broken and I didn't have enough to pay. I just paid for my pineapple juice and told her to keep the dinners. A man behind us in check out pulled out a $20. bill and paid for our dinners. Wasn't that awesome!
Grateful that I took 3 books back to the library and only walked away with one.
Grateful that I made the decision to go into Tim Horton's, they have a new fruit chill drink $1.99 for a small. It was very sweet, but when I got home I added some of my pure pineapple juice to it. I treated us to a Fruit Explosion and a Strawberry Shortcake Muffin. My friend had never had the strawberry one before and like me, she swooned and fell in love.
Grateful that I did a lot of walking today, but my body isn't showing it's gratitude for the exercise. Wanting to rest and put the feet up, but the body is screaming at me and pulling a hissy fit. Going to have to give it a talking to, maybe soak the feet and maybe it will feel better.
Grateful for all those who walk this journey with me. God Bless.

MajestyJo 09-03-2016 01:08 AM

Grateful for a new day. Not too much serenity when I think I keep missing a few days here and there without stating my gratitude.
Grateful that I got some laundry done. I had procrastinated, and finally just told myself, "Do!!" I always seem to go to do it after I have had a busy day out and about. I have the energy, and then I over extend myself and crash.
Grateful that I got two new pair of pants. I think they were the motivation behind the laundry. I bought a pair of pants and a skirt the other day, and I had to wash them all before I wear them.
Grateful that my son didn't eat all my goodies that I bought. I was bad and bought plain butter tarts. So thick, runny, and oh so good. I also bought a white chocolate and cranberry scone, just one because I know he doesn't like cranberries. I bought two pieces of cheese cake, I hope to have one for tomorrow before he finds them.
Grateful that peaches were a little cheaper at the market.
Grateful for my home away from home, I picked up 5 books at the library today.
Grateful that each day is a new beginning.
Grateful that even though it is beginning, I haven't ended yesterday, so it is time to call it a night.
Grateful for all those who walk this journey with me.

MajestyJo 09-07-2016 04:00 PM

Sorry, it looks like I have been short on gratitude again. In truth, I am not, just never got time or had the thought to post here. At least, not one that I heeded.
Grateful for another day of sobriety.
Grateful for this program using the 12 Steps to a better state of being.
Grateful that I no longer have to live in my dis-ease.
Grateful for a God who directs my path.
Grateful for His Good Orderly Direction each day.
Grateful that my computer is still holding up, even though it has been giving me problems.
Grateful that I got to share, not so grateful that my feet are swollen like balloons because I have been playing catch up.
Grateful that I finally felt like eating. It is just a little bit late, and two peaches are probably not all that good for me. I think I will try a pineapple Activia before going to FB to see what my family is up to.
Grateful that I can communicate with my sister and niece on line.
Grateful for the food I have to eat. Tonight two 3/4" pork chops, fresh from the market. I plan to cook what a woman in treatment called "Dutch potatoes." Carrots, cut finely, I put them on to cook first, then I add potatoes. When they are cooked, I drain, add butter, milk, and cheese. Yum, Yum!
Grateful for my day yesterday, truly a day and a half.
Grateful that I was able to crash today, even though I missed my Al-Anon group.
Grateful that a member of my group called me to say hello and see how I was and would I be able to go to the meeting this week, seeing as I missed it last week because I messed up my alarm. I told her I would be there unless it is pouring down rain, lightning and thunder. A little rain won't bother me, I won't melt, but I can't push a walker and carry an umbrella too. The wind is another factor, it generally likes to carry my umbrella away. ;) I don't have the strength in my hands to argue with it.
Grateful for all those who walk this journey with me. God Bless.

MajestyJo 09-09-2016 07:17 PM

Grateful for another day of sobriety.
Grateful that I got some dishes done. Phoned in a complaint to maintenance about the fact that when I want and or need hot water, most times it is not there.
Grateful that I got to the office to put money on my laundry card.
Grateful that I got to the library. Even more grateful that I told myself "No!" to more books.
Grateful I didn't do the buffet at Nation's Foods. Picked up fruit, cheese, and orange juice, along with some spareribs, to small beef roast that will fit in my slow cooker, and some extra lean ground beef. The chicken wasn't on sale, so will pick it up later. I still have some in the freezer, so no need to stock up if it is not on sale.
Grateful that I was able to connect with friends today. It always makes my day extra special.
Grateful that I can catch up at the site, watching my tennis, I am behind a couple of days, so that is my goal, to check out what I missed. Just sorry that Andy Murray lost and is not in the final.
Grateful that I got my Dart's I.D. card and I was able to go for taxi script today. $40. worth of fare for $24., it works for me, especially when I go to the Chiropractor's. I have to take 3 buses and still walk 2 blocks or take two buses and walk 4 long blocks. When I go to see him, I am generally hurting, so it is good to take a taxi there and a bus back. It is for rainy days. I have an appointment with my foot specialist on Thursday. I will be able to take a taxi to my group and not be late.
Grateful for days that go with the flow and gives me smiles, blessings, and gratitude at the end of the day.
Grateful for all those who walk this journey with me. God Bless.

MajestyJo 09-13-2016 07:16 PM

Grateful for another day of sobriety. It always amazes me for some reason to see how many days have gone by since I last posted a gratitude list. I don't even remember what happened three days ago.
Grateful that it is a one day at a time program. I haven't felt the greatest the last few days, but so grateful that I didn't have to use because of it.
Grateful for the food that I have to eat, even if I don't feel like cooking it or have much of an appetite to eat it.
Grateful for the goodness to be found in each day. I always try to say, "Thank you, thank you, thank you for each blessing that I find and say a prayer for those I missed.
Grateful for the people who my God has put in my life. Some very special people have been put in my path the last few weeks.
Grateful that I have been able to do some catch up on posts. I am the loser for having not been here. When I come here, I always find food for my emotional sobriety and my spiritual well being.
Grateful that my God is good and Good is my God. I look for the goodness in all things and in all people.
Grateful for those who walk this journey with me. God Bless.

MajestyJo 09-17-2016 03:18 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Grateful for another day.
Grateful that I am feeling better and able to post a list that is long overdue.
Grateful for a beautiful sunshining day, about 70 deg., just the kind of day you need when you have to go somewhere.
Grateful that I remembered it was Friday and went to the lab to get my blood tested.
Grateful that I have had two busy days with lots of blessings.
Grateful for my friends, they make my day just a little bit better.
Grateful that I got my shopping done and there were a lot of savings and 99 cent sales on items that I liked and needed.
Grateful that I made it to my group on Thursday.
Grateful that I met up with the woman who introduced me to AA. She is the third person that I have seen in the last 6 weeks who were alive and I thought them dead.
Grateful that while my A is breathing, there is hope.
Grateful for the message he carries to me. It isn't any better out there.
Grateful for those who share my journey. God Bless.

MajestyJo 09-20-2016 02:51 PM

Grateful for another day of sobriety. I am on my second day, had to start my day again twice already.
Grateful of each day, even though I didn't post it. Wasn't too grateful for the pain, but grateful that I know that when I get it, I have to look at me and see what is causing it.
Grateful that I was able to go to the mall downstairs yesterday. Plan to make another trip down when I finish posting to take last week's Blister Pack back to be filled for next week.
Grateful that my cold isn't as bad as my son's. Grateful that I don't have his attitude.
Grateful for the food I have to eat. Just not too grateful for the dishes and the clean up. I do not like doing dishes.
Grateful that I got an appointment with Bill at the Holistic Center. He is such an awesome man who just oozes serenity.
Grateful that I see my doctor tomorrow. Not sure I will be done in time to get to Al-Anon. Perhaps I can meet them at Tim Horton's for the meeting after the meeting.
Grateful for my group. So grateful that I was led to it. I renewed my Dart membership, and now I don''t have to worry about getting there in bad weather. I will probably use taxi script more than I will Darts until the snow comes. I just don't like waiting for them. I always try to have a book along for the ride.
Grateful that the sun is shining, may even take a walk around the block.
Grateful that my God has a sense of humour. He has to, to put up with me.
Grateful for all of you who walk this journey with me. God Bless.

MajestyJo 09-23-2016 04:39 PM

Grateful for another day of sobriety. There is such a big difference between being sober and having sobriety. My sponsor said it was soundness of mind.
Grateful that I had nothing planned for today because it is raining and I don't have to go out in it.
Grateful that tonight is leftovers, I don't feel like cooking.
Grateful that I feel like eating though, I only ate half my sandwich at lunchtime.
Grateful that the new show Macgyver is on. I hope I am not disappointed, I was such a big fan of the old show and the actor. His name was Richard Dean Anderson.
Grateful that my Higher Power is there for me, especially on doom and gloom days like this. I don't like it when the sunshine disappears.
Grateful that I am able to do some posting. The head doesn't seem to connected to the rest of the body, so not having many thoughts of wisdom. ;) I will have to do a meditation later and ask for some clarity of thought.
Grateful for those who walk this journey with me. God Bless.

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