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bluidkiti 08-20-2013 07:47 AM

The Quiet Space

Want to find just a little bit of quiet far from the maddening crowd? Without going away to a sanctuary or a retreat, you can find it right now, right here within yourself. Here is an accessible exercise:

Slow down the speed of your thoughts, slow it right down and become aware of the spaces in between your thoughts. Focus on the quiet, empty spaces and let them stretch over the mind; and feel the quiet, sinking from the top of your head, right through to the tip of the toes. Now allow the quiet to expand around you as you sit as quietly as you can.

Create this quiet space for yourself and carry it into the maddening crowd.

bluidkiti 08-21-2013 06:42 AM

Be Like a Bee

Often we overlook the opportunities that are around us, simply because we are unable to see them. Try being like a bee:
- Look for the positive possibilities.
- Start collecting them.
- Create your own opportunities, your own 'honey.'

Go on, get busy & life will be fun, productive, satisfying & sweet

bluidkiti 08-22-2013 07:39 AM

Think You Know?

Just when we think we've mastered something, something else comes along to make us humble again!

It's as if life is saying, 'don't box up your knowledge and think you've got it!' Think you have it all figured out and you're deciding that you don't need to know any more; you're closing your mind to new ideas and learning.

Instead be intellectually humble. Have confidence about what you know but keep your knowledge and understanding open - there's much more to come!

bluidkiti 08-23-2013 09:07 AM

Bless, Blessing, Blessed

Even though we may forget to notice, we are all blessed in life. And we also have blessings to give. When we have good feelings towards others, encourage & empower them, we bless. And when we do, the blessings return a thousand-fold. Bless & be blessed.

bluidkiti 08-24-2013 08:07 AM

Difficult Conversations

Often we put off having difficult conversations because we don't want to have them. Why not take a little time for preparation. Work out your purpose for having the conversation. Envision the outcome you’re hoping for. Mind sketch the important points you need to get across. Be clear about how you will keep your emotions and reactions under control. Most importantly, if you think the conversation is going to be difficult, it probably will be. So adjust your attitude and think, "I'm going to handle the conversation with ease and calm."

bluidkiti 08-25-2013 08:16 AM

Going with the Flow

No matter how much structure we create, there will always be things that we cannot anticipate: people that disrupt how we like to do things or projects that don’t work out as we planned. When life doesn’t go the way we want it to go, go with the flow. Going with the flow means to move forward without resistance. With a flow head-space you understand that all is exactly as it should be and everything that happens benefits us, even when we don’t understand how.

bluidkiti 08-26-2013 09:05 AM

Desert Island Takeaway

If you were marooned on a desert island, what EIGHT things would you takeaway with you and why? Name TWO things from each of the following categories: survival essential; piece of music or song; attitude or thought; luxury item. What does the selection tell you about yourself?

bluidkiti 08-27-2013 07:41 AM

Think 'Maybe'

When things go wrong or not as planned, think 'maybe'!

Maybe it's not meant to happen now. Maybe there's something better to come. Maybe there's a benefit or something to learn here. Maybe I could have done things differently.

Think 'maybe' and you're not caught up in disappointment or labelling things as good or bad. Instead you're able to maintain your peace of mind, readjust, improvise and look at alternatives.

bluidkiti 08-28-2013 08:22 AM

Engaged Observer

Often we're either on autopilot & don't feel as much, or we're too absorbed with what's happening in our life. So pay attention to being fully enagaged with life, without becoming too absorbed. How? Be an observer.

You can observe something random in the world around you,
the shapes of the clouds or a friend's smile. Or observe your response to strangers or your reaction when you look in the mirror.

Capture your observations in a scrapbook, digitally or in your mind. Observe & very soon, you'll be seeing, feeling & experiencing more!

bluidkiti 08-29-2013 08:07 AM

Disagreement to Agreement

We're not going to agree on everything so there's going to be disagreements. And it's so easy to rush from a disagreement to an argument. But arguments rarely accomplish anything. In fact, put energy into an argument and it takes more energy to reconstruct that relationship.

The next time you find yourself rushing into an argument, take a deep breath, slow down and refocus on what's important. Get your point across clearly and calmly, and work towards an agreement on what you both want to achieve and gain.

Breathe deeply and you'll improve your relationships!

bluidkiti 08-30-2013 07:26 AM

Mood and Food

Our moods not only affect the food we cook, but they also affect the people who eat the food. So if you're not in a good mood, take a moment to clear your emotions or put on your favorite feel-good music.

Cook peacefully, cook happily, and then not only will you fill the food with good vibes, but you'll also enhance the flavor and energize the meal for yourself and the people who eat what you cook.

bluidkiti 08-31-2013 08:00 AM

Courage to Face

You have the courage to resolve whatever it is you need to face … a situation, place, person, or even yourself … someone or something which you may have been avoiding.

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