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bluidkiti 10-16-2013 11:20 AM

October 16

God wants you to know that ... worry often gives a small thing a big shadow.

Worrying, you get stuck going over the same things over and over again without making any progress. Instead, spend some time with nature to calm your mind and feed your soul.

bluidkiti 10-17-2013 09:58 AM

October 17

God wants you to know that ... there are times when a change of direction is for your highest good.

It takes courage to change direction. Choose the path your heart agrees with and walk with your head high and your eyes open. Don't be afraid.

bluidkiti 10-18-2013 10:07 AM

October 18

God wants you to know that ... you can make a difference today.

Even a simple gesture, - a smile, a touch, a kind word, can brighten someone’s day. Let your love flow freely today.

bluidkiti 10-19-2013 08:47 AM

October 19

God wants you to know that ... faith will show you the way.

When the future seems bleak and you do not know how to go on, have faith. It will shine a light in the darkness and everything will be illuminated.

bluidkiti 10-20-2013 10:50 AM

October 20

God wants you to know that ... you belong.

You are part of a community: people of faith. Worship with others, share with others, experience God with others. You are not in this alone; you have an entire family of believers out there. Today is a good day to seek some of them out.

bluidkiti 10-21-2013 10:23 AM

October 21

God wants you to know that ... you will find the wisest teacher within yourself.

Do not rely overly on others for your answers. Seek the wisdom within the kingdom of your heart.

bluidkiti 10-22-2013 10:35 AM

October 22

God wants you to know that ... shared joy is a double joy; shared sorrow is half a sorrow.

There is no need for you to go it alone. There are people who love you, and who are ready to give you much needed support. There are even more, - way more than you can possibly imagine, people who CAN love you if you give them a chance. Make 'share joy, half the sorrow' your motto for today.

bluidkiti 10-23-2013 09:41 AM

October 23

God wants you to know that ... suffering is just as important as well-being.

Like a tree accepts all seasons, accept your suffering with grace. Good days, like sunshine, will help you bloom and prosper. Hard days, like storms, will make you strong and resilient.

bluidkiti 10-24-2013 10:24 AM

October 24

God wants you to know that ... it is okay to play!

When you work too much without interspersing some play into your day, you lose your vitality. Play keeps your heart light and your spirit lively.

bluidkiti 10-25-2013 11:58 AM

October 25

God wants you to know that ... if you feel too busy, you are.

Give yourself permission to be un-busy. Give yourself an hour or a day to simply be. Allow yourself the luxury of a small retreat. Allow your spirit time to be restored. Even God took a day of rest.

bluidkiti 10-26-2013 11:15 AM

October 26

God wants you to know that ... your prayers are being answered.

Prayers are not like shopping lists with items that can be ticked off. If you remember that a prayer is a conversation with God, you will see God respond every day.

bluidkiti 10-27-2013 10:52 AM

October 27

God wants you to know that ... the change you seek begins with yourself.

When you want the world to change, lead by example, and others are sure to follow.

bluidkiti 10-28-2013 11:20 AM

October 28

God wants you to know that ... you are beautiful.

Mirrors are fickle, a play of light and shadow. The only true mirror is within yourself. Clear your mind of doubt and prejudice, and you will see yourself as God sees you - beautiful.

bluidkiti 10-29-2013 08:49 AM

October 29

God wants you to know that ... you can't hide your shortcomings from God.

Failures, weaknesses, and fears; God knows them all. Many people attempt to hide issues from God, but it is futile.

bluidkiti 10-30-2013 09:50 AM

October 30

God wants you to know that ... illness is often a sign that there are needs you are not taking care of.

Sometimes your body gets sick so that you are forced to slow down and become aware of the messages of your heart and the desires of your spirit. Only when you step outside from the daily treadmill, can you attune to these more subtle inner callings. Don’t wait to get sick before listening to these important inner messages.

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