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MajestyJo 06-27-2018 11:33 PM

June 28

Let us pray:
Lord, may peace with justice
come to our world,
but let peace and justice start
with the way
each of us lives this day. Amen.

MajestyJo 06-29-2018 09:40 AM

june 29

7 We’ll use as a short reading and prayer,
some words of Saint Paul, found in a letter
that he wrote to the Christians in

“For those who love God
everything works out for good,
because God has chosen us
to bear the image of Jesus, his Son.
With God on our side,
who can be against us?
Even if we face hard times
or are threatened
- God’s love is greater still,
and nothing can ever separate us
from his love.
Through all difficulties
we can never be failures or losers
because of the power of God’s love.”
(based on Romans 828-39)

MajestyJo 06-29-2018 10:34 PM

June 30

Let us pray:
Lord, may I become more aware
of your presence in my life.
May I discover
that you do walk with me
each day of my life,
accompanying me
in darkness as well as in light,
in sadness as well as in joy.
May your Spirit lead me
to trust and come to know
that you keep your word
and are always faithful and loving.
I place myself and my future
into your hands. Amen.

MajestyJo 07-01-2018 04:22 AM


As you walk beside me, Lord,
lead me to recognise you
in all those you place into my life
this day.

Let us pray:
If countries disagree, Lord,
and if negotiations break down,
“going to war”
has sometimes been seen
as a way of “saving face”.
In the same way,
there are times
when matters get out of hand
as individuals disagree strongly,
and feel they need to “save face”
In my own small part of the world
may I learn ways, Lord,
of being a peacemaker,
of helping people
to see that there are alternatives
to hostility,
and there are ways
of “saving face”
in a decent and human way,
without there being
a break-up of relationships.
Help me
to be a channel of your peace
this day. Amen.

MajestyJo 07-01-2018 09:33 PM

July 2

Let us pray:
God our Father,
in the Bible you tell me
to “choose life and not death”.
Inspire me
in the choices I will make today
- that I may choose
what is positive and life-giving
and good.
So help me to protect and defend myself
from influences that are not good.
Keep me on the right path
to choose values
that are lasting and beneficial.
Keep my eyes open
whenever there is injustice,
that I may be willing
to stand with those
who are treated unfairly,
and defend those who need support.
Deliver us, Lord, from all that is evil.

MajestyJo 07-02-2018 10:50 PM

July 3

Let’s pray for a growing sense of wonder
and appreciation for all that is around
Lord God,
may all of your creation
- from the vastness
of mighty stars and planets
to the lowliness
of the smallest living creature I can see
- remind me
to live in wonder and appreciation
of all that is around me. Amen.


William Davies was born in Newport, Gwent, on this day in 1871. He was a poet, and wrote:

“What is this life if, full of care, We have no time to stand and stare?

MajestyJo 07-03-2018 10:57 PM

July 4

Let us pray:
God our Father,
I can think of mistakes I have made
and the attitude
that I have sometimes had.
May I not become so independent
that I think I know it all
and no longer need others,
but may I always
have true friends around me
who are willing
to point me in the right direction.
May I be ready to apologise
when things go wrong,
and be ready to learn
from my mistakes,
finding humour in my situation
and having the ability and good sense
to laugh at myself.
May I grow in wisdom each day.

MajestyJo 07-05-2018 02:18 AM

July 5

Let us pray:
Lord Jesus,
we hear you say
that, “of course”, you want to heal us
of what is not good in our lives.
Touch us today
that we may experience your healing
and the fullness of your life.

MajestyJo 07-06-2018 05:46 AM

July 6

Let us pray:
God our Father,
you made each of us
unique and unrepeatable.
Inspire me to live in such a way
that I respect others
and am ready to learn
from all who are part of my life
this day.

MajestyJo 07-06-2018 10:00 PM

July 7

Let us pray:
For all that we should have thought
and have not thought;
For all that we should have said
and have not said;
For all that we should have done,
and have not done;
we ask forgiveness, Lord.
For all that we should not have thought
but have thought;
For all that we should not have said
but have said;
For all that we should not have done,
but have done;
we ask forgiveness, Lord.

MajestyJo 07-07-2018 10:00 PM

July 8

Let us pray:
Lord our God,
we pray for the strength
to hold to our convictions.
We pray, too,
for the courage and determination
to stand
with those who suffer from injustice.
In all that we do, Lord,
inspire us to act justly,
love tenderly,
and walk humbly with you, our God.

MajestyJo 07-09-2018 12:32 AM

July 9

Let us pray:
Loving Lord,
these individuals we have heard about
were ordinary people.
They spent years
making choices each day
about small ordinary things.
Their positive and life-giving attitude
eventually led to serious decisions
about standing
with the poor and the underprivileged
and those treated unjustly.
Inspire us, Lord,
to choose wisely
in the ordinary circumstances
of our daily lives.
Having then chosen wisely
in small things,
inspire us
with courage and generosity
when we must make
more important decisions. Amen.

MajestyJo 07-09-2018 08:48 PM

july 10

Prayer for today not applicable

The God of love my shepherd is,
And he that doth me feed:
While he is mine, and I am his,
What can I want or need?

He leads me to the tender grass,
Where I both feed and rest;
Then to the streams that gently pass:
In both I have the best.

Surely Thy sweet and wondrous love
Shall measure all my days:
And as it never shall remove,
So neither shall my praise.

The Yearbook of Love and Wisdom: - Celia Haddon

MajestyJo 07-11-2018 01:04 AM

July 11

Let us pray:
God our Father,
it seems obvious to many
and people of all religions and none
are brothers and sisters
of one another.
We ask
that justice and peace may grow
in the hearts and minds
of each individual,
that we may treat others
in the same way
as we wish to be treated.
Rather than thinking over bad things
that have happened in the past,
may we grow
in the freedom, the courage
and the generosity
to place past events into your hands.
Teach us
how to break the cycle of hatred
by being generous and caring
towards those
who have done us harm,
resisting evil
and conquering it with good. Amen

MajestyJo 07-11-2018 01:06 AM

July 12

Let us pray:
I want to be responsible
for my own life,
and I want to make positive choices
each day.
Inspire me
to get my priorities right
and be generous
in my care and concern for others.
In busy days and casual days
remind me, too,
of my basic human need
for personal time
and quiet and space,
and lead me to respect
the personal needs
that others also have.

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