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09-27-2016, 11:02 AM
When I forgive another, I become God’s love in action.

One of the most powerful ways God’s love is demonstrated is through forgiveness. When I forgive another, I become God’s love in action.

Holding on to resentment, even for a short time, depletes my energy. So I refrain from doing so. I forgive readily and I forgive daily. Interestingly, the more willing I am to forgive, the less I need to. I see others in the light of acceptance and understanding.

I know there have been times when I made some errors in judgment. Rather than living in regret, I make amends as I can. Then I consciously choose to extend the same forgiveness to myself as I do to others. I feel lighter and more on target with my purpose. That is the power of God’s love, through me, as forgiveness.
Neither do I condemn you.—John 8:11

Daily Word

09-28-2016, 12:44 AM
An amend is something we do for our own recovery, whether it is accepted or not. It isn't about saying I am sorry. It is about taking owner ship of our thoughts and actions and trying to right a wrong, that we hope not to repeat again.

Sometimes those amends need to be indirect amends because the person is no longer a part of our lives. That doesn't exempt us from making an amend. I believe the spirit lives on, whether they just moved to another location or have passed away, we can talk to them, write out our amend on paper, just to get the feelings out.