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Ashley Ruth89
09-25-2016, 10:53 PM
Just forgot my username and password
So I had to make a new one and it keeps telling me to introduce myself! So I'm Ashley 27years old and from Phoenix Arizona. We have the worst behavioral health facilities then any other state out there. I'm very upset to see how our socierty/government treat the addicts. I love this site I've been coming back for 3 years now! Love the daily meditations (Spiritual Medicine, Daily Reflections, and Daily Motivator etc.just to name a few) I look forward to meeting with you all from all over the world and getting to hear your story to sobriety. I myself am struggling with the whole sober thing. I was a month clean and just recently used again. So now I'm going on a week. In my past I've had a year of sobriety and then 8months of sobriety and another year,so I know this vious cycle and how it works and what it leads to a d don't know why I keep turning back. Actually I know why I let myself become bored and still hang with the same people who are using.which I know is so stupid but I don't have My new friends nd the thought of going out with a bunch of new ppl scared me! I hope that eventually I get the hang of this sobriety thing. Have a wonderful evening!X0X0 pray for me!:169::21::17:

09-25-2016, 11:31 PM
Welcome Ashley Ruth, so glad you signed in to say hello. Thank you for making the decision to join us. We do this one day at a time. One week is good. Many you have many more, one day at a time.

There is a lot of recovery material on the site. Hope you will check it out and if you have any questions, please feel free to ask. We are here to support you.

The butterfly means transformation. Hopefully this time you will be able to transform being sober into sobriety (soundness of mind), by working the Steps, getting a sponsor, and going to meetings.



09-26-2016, 07:31 AM
Hey Ashley, :17: So glad to have you join us. Any day sober is a great one. Keep on working on it one day at a time and eventually you will make it. Have you gone to any meetings yet? Maybe try a face to face one or you can find online meetings here at stepchat.com . I look forward to hearing more from you. Keep coming and sharing with us. We are here for you. :42: