View Full Version : Reflection

08-29-2016, 09:56 AM
I reflect on my oneness with God and give thanks.

I am ever-evolving, taking in countless sights, sounds, and information every day. While it is important that I continue to be open to the world around me, it is also important that I stop and reflect on all that I have learned and experienced.

In prayer, I reflect on who I am as a child of God and who I want to be as an individual. In prayer, my heart is open to all that God reveals to me.

I see how strong I have become through the ups and downs, joys and disappointments of life. These experiences have made me strong and capable. I emerge from my time of reflection with a new appreciation of who I am spiritually and the ways I contribute to the world.

Be strong and courageous; do not be frightened or dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.—Joshua 1:9

Daily Word

08-29-2016, 09:56 PM
This reminds me of what I told a young fellow that I was co-sponsoring, "If you aren't enjoying recovery, ask yourself, "What am I doing wrong?"

Look at what brought you to where you are at in today. Are you still acting out in your dis-ease, or are you recovering from that hopeless state of mind and body, that came through the doors of recovery.

Reflect not only on the God of YOUR understanding, but on the people and lessons that were put in your path along the way. Do you do the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Did you only hand over your drinking and not your thinking to the God of YOUR understanding.

Remember to give thanks for all the gifts that have been bestowed on you. Not just the physical ones, but the spiritual, mental, and emotional ones too.