View Full Version : Freedom to be our best self

08-06-2016, 10:31 AM
I am free to live a full and meaningful life.

Theoretically, if a clear barrier is inserted into an aquarium, a fish will attempt to swim through but will eventually adapt to the smaller space. If the barrier is removed, the fish remains confined as though the obstacle remained.

Are my habits or perceived obstructions limiting me? I am free to live a full and meaningful life. If fearful thoughts are limiting me or if I’ve grown accustomed to having others tell me “No,” I affirm: I am free to live a full and meaningful life.

I have gifts and talents to share, ideas to explore, and dreams to pursue. I accept myself as a child of God having abundant potential and freedom to be my best self.

For freedom Christ has set us free. Stand firm, therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery.—Galatians 5:1

Daily Word

08-08-2016, 10:21 PM
It is okay to be me. I am loved. I am a child of God. I need to accept me as I am in today, so that I can move forward. Until I can find that acceptance, I will stay stuck in old behaviors and patterns. I need to accept what is in the moment, knowing it is subject to change. When I turn things over to the God of my understanding, He can do what I can't.