View Full Version : Topic of the week, words that begin with the letter "Z"

06-10-2016, 01:18 AM
Z is for Zip. I you don't put anything into your recovery. "Zip!" Nadda, Nothing. If you zip your lip, you will hear what you need in order to recover in the meetings of the fellowship of your choice.


06-12-2016, 10:48 AM
Z is for Zebra. They don't have black and white stripes on prison clothes these days, they are a bright orange; but they do have black and white vehicles that will take you in for drunk driving, stealing, fighting, and other offenses as a result of drinking and doing drugs.

Everything is not either or, black or white, there are shades of gray. Look out for some of those gray areas, they can keep you blanketed in denial or you can be willing to agree to disagree.


06-14-2016, 08:32 PM
Z is for Zoo. A dysfunctional family can be like a zoo. Everyone looking for attention. Everyone trying to out do and out noise the other one. Me first is the motto and leads to chaos and total insanity. Everyone loses their own identity, and forget where they come from and have no concept of who they are and where they are going and lose all purpose in life.


06-16-2016, 06:18 PM
Z is for Zero. As it says in AA literature, "When our score card read zero, we came to AA. We figured that AA was the last house on the block. Why do I figure it is worse than a mental institution; perhaps because when we go there they give us drugs. If I am not an alcoholic, what am I. There is a solution in the 12 Steps.


06-18-2016, 01:07 AM
Z is for Zest. Where is your zest for living. You have been given a second chance at life, give thanks. Put some zip in your step. When people look at you, do they see recovery?
