View Full Version : Not everyone's Higher power is Jesus

06-07-2016, 02:26 AM
Sometimes I feel like we look down on people here that have a different high power. I am a secular Humanist and I strongly dis like all forms of organized religion.

That is my personal feelings. If you have one of them as your higher power I am so grateful for you.

My sponsor told me years ago your higher power is a personal thing and never tell anyone their higher power is wrong.

It saddens me when over zealot Christians scare newcomers away. So anyone who is struggling with not believing in one of the Sky Gods. There are millions of us in recovery that just believe in Love Kindness and service as a means to keep our addictions at bay.

I am Dennis and I am an addict, I work in recovery and live it in my life.


06-14-2016, 06:18 PM
Thank you for sharing. It is my belief that recovery is a spiritual program, which makes room for all religions and for those who are not religious. At the beginning, I religiously went to meetings. The groups were my safe place and my HP, over the years my concept changed, in fact many times. It was a growing thing of faith and trust and my personal relationship with my HP grew. I was raised in religion, saying God is just something I always did. It still works when you think of God as Good Orderly Direction to a new way of life.
