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09-18-2013, 01:04 PM
Accepting God’s Provisions

Exodus 16:1-5: “Then the Lord said to Moses, ‘I will rain down bread from heaven for you” (v.4).

“Moses, did you and your brother bring us here to starve?” grumbled the Israelite people. “We should have stayed in Egypt. At least there, we had food!” God saw the brothers’ predicament and said, “I’m going to drop bread-like rain from heaven. Everyone will have enough food to eat.”
As he did for Moses, Aaron, and the people, God can and will provide for us. The question is: Will we accept the provisions, or do we believe we should hold out for a better idea — a more appropriate solution? Perhaps we are afraid that if we give in to God’s plan, we’ll be disappointed.
When we refuse to accept God’s blueprint, for whatever reason, we forfeit the blessings. And then we may grow anxious, confused, and exhausted trying to figure out a superior way.
God’s provisions are available. We can learn to cease striving, obsessing, or manipulating, and enjoy what God has placed in front of us. Even if the provisions change tomorrow or next week or in a year, it doesn’t matter. We can be grateful today and leave tomorrow’s supply in God’s hands.

Lord, you provide for my needs daily. Please help me to be aware of your gifts and to accept them graciously.

Joan C. Webb