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05-07-2016, 12:33 PM
A Bible Devotion

Rejoice In Hope

ROMANS 5:2 NKJ 2 through whom also we have access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God.

We may not always have good circumstances around us that would cause us to rejoice. But we can always rejoice in hope.

What is hope?

Hope is a positive expectation for the future. Things may not be great now, but you can have a hope that the future will be better. (Hope is always future, by definition, but can be in the near future -- not just when we get to Heaven.)

According to Romans 8:24, hope involves what is not seen. The only way humans have of dealing with things that are unseen is by using our imagination.

Hope is not seen, or detectable by our physical senses. Hope is a positive imagination, something we can only see inwardly.

As Christian believers we can rejoice in hope. We can rejoice when circumstances are not perfect. We can rejoice ahead of time.

ROMANS 12:12 NRS 12 Rejoice in hope, be patient in suffering, persevere in prayer.

As we mature as Christians, we are not to be controlled exclusively by our physical senses. Being controlled by the physical senses is what the Bible refers to as being "carnally minded."

Because we believe what God has said, we know that we have a bright future. A glorious future with God! In this we can, and should, rejoice now!

And as we rejoice in hope, our present situation will also be affected for good.

SAY THIS: I will rejoice even before I physically see victory.