View Full Version : Speak Easy

03-19-2016, 11:29 AM

Our words are powerful. What we say to others can either lift them up or bring them down. Those who are suffering and going through hard times don�t always need advice. They don�t need to be told what they ought to be doing. They don�t need to be told what their feeling is wrong. They need encouraging and kind words. They need words that are helpful for building them up according to their needs.

�Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.� Eph. 4:29 (NIV)

Dear Lord, help us to be more aware of what we say to others. In fact, help us with our thoughts about other people. We don�t know all they are going through. We only see things from our own perspective. Help us not to judge or condemn. Help us not to be hurtful with our words. When we see others suffering, help us to give them words that will lift them up and encourage them. We know that is possible when we focus on You. In Jesus� name. Amen.

It's fun to tear things down. But not at the expense of others. We need to watch our words.

When we go around and swing away carelessly with our words, relationships are going to suffer.

Words are an important tool from God. We should go to Him to see what it is He wants us to say.

Our words can either help or hurt the situation when someone is suffering.

Our tongues can be like swords to those who are going through hard times. We should think before speaking.

Psalm 64:3 �They sharpen their tongues like swords and aim their bitter words like arrows.� (NLT)

Focus: God wants us to encourage others with our words rather than tear them down.

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