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03-19-2016, 11:24 AM
Let Go, Let God
I let go and live in the flow of God’s good.

When dogs play ball, they often want to repeat the joy of running after the ball again and again. Some dogs cling to the ball not understanding that to keep playing, they must let go. When I desire to maintain an experience, I may get so attached to it I block receipt of the very thing I want!

Letting go of what I desire is the way to receive it. As I let go, I give over to Spirit and trust my desired outcome, or something better, will come back to me. Clinging stops the law of circulation, the cycle of giving and receiving.

Letting go and letting God demonstrates trust in divine timing, perfect order, and prosperity. It gives Spirit room to maneuver. And as with our canine friends, letting go may even result in unexpected treats!
The king sent and released him; the ruler of the peoples set him free.—Psalm 105:20

Daily Word