View Full Version : Thank you!

01-29-2016, 07:49 AM
I enjoy the daily recovery readings very much! The content you choose certainly reflects recovery on the coast of NC. The combination is exceptional. I can't pick just one so I read them all. Favorites include Father Leo, one day at a time, Melody Beatty, the food addiction post and the quotes! Thank you very much. I am grateful to have found you! (My 2 Siamese are grateful too!) :29:

01-29-2016, 09:34 AM
Thank you Aleegatlin! It is so great hearing from you. I hope you will continue to share with us. Have a great weekend! :42:

01-29-2016, 04:32 PM
Welcome Aleegatlin, so glad to have you with us. Hope you will continue to come and share.
