01-09-2016, 06:22 PM
by Max Lucado
Marys need to remember that service is worship.
Marthas need to remember that worship is service.
And Lazarus?
He needs to remember that not everyone
can play the trumpet.
You see, as far as we know,
Lazarus did nothing at the dinner.
He saved his actions for outside the house.
Read carefully John 12:9:
"A large crowd of Jews heard that
Jesus was in Bethany.
So they went there to see not only Jesus,
but Lazarus,
whom Jesus raised from the dead.
So the leading priests made plans to kill Lazarus, too.
Because of Lazarus many Jews were leaving them
and believing in Jesus."
Wow! Because of Lazarus many Jews
were "believing in Jesus."
Lazarus has been given a trumpet.
He has a testimony to give~
and what a testimony he has!
"I was always a good fellow,"
he would say.
"I paid my bills. I loved my sisters.
I even enjoyed being around Jesus.
But I wasn't one of the followers.
I didn't get as close as Peter and James
and those guys.
I kept my distance. Nothing personal.
I just didn't want to get carried away.
"But then I got sick.
And then I died. I mean, I died dead.
"Nothing left. Stone-cold. No life. No breath. Nothing.
I died to everything.
I saw life from the tomb.
And then Jesus called me from the grave.
When he spoke, my heart beat
and my soul stirred,
and I was alive again.
And I want you to know he can do the same for you."
God gave Martha a bass drum of service.
God gave Mary a flute for praise.
And God gave Lazarus a trumpet.
And he stood on center stage and played it.
God still gives trumpets.
God still calls people from the pits.
God still gives pinch-me-I'm-dreaming,
too-good-to-be-true testimonies.
But not everyone has a dramatic testimony.
Who wants a band full of trumpets?
Some convert the lost.
Some encourage the saved.
And some keep the movement in step.
All are needed.
If God has called you to be a Lazarus, then testify.
Remind the rest of us that we, too, have a story to tell.
We, too, have neighbors who are lost.
We, too, have died and been resurrected.
Cast of Characters
by Max Lucado
Marys need to remember that service is worship.
Marthas need to remember that worship is service.
And Lazarus?
He needs to remember that not everyone
can play the trumpet.
You see, as far as we know,
Lazarus did nothing at the dinner.
He saved his actions for outside the house.
Read carefully John 12:9:
"A large crowd of Jews heard that
Jesus was in Bethany.
So they went there to see not only Jesus,
but Lazarus,
whom Jesus raised from the dead.
So the leading priests made plans to kill Lazarus, too.
Because of Lazarus many Jews were leaving them
and believing in Jesus."
Wow! Because of Lazarus many Jews
were "believing in Jesus."
Lazarus has been given a trumpet.
He has a testimony to give~
and what a testimony he has!
"I was always a good fellow,"
he would say.
"I paid my bills. I loved my sisters.
I even enjoyed being around Jesus.
But I wasn't one of the followers.
I didn't get as close as Peter and James
and those guys.
I kept my distance. Nothing personal.
I just didn't want to get carried away.
"But then I got sick.
And then I died. I mean, I died dead.
"Nothing left. Stone-cold. No life. No breath. Nothing.
I died to everything.
I saw life from the tomb.
And then Jesus called me from the grave.
When he spoke, my heart beat
and my soul stirred,
and I was alive again.
And I want you to know he can do the same for you."
God gave Martha a bass drum of service.
God gave Mary a flute for praise.
And God gave Lazarus a trumpet.
And he stood on center stage and played it.
God still gives trumpets.
God still calls people from the pits.
God still gives pinch-me-I'm-dreaming,
too-good-to-be-true testimonies.
But not everyone has a dramatic testimony.
Who wants a band full of trumpets?
Some convert the lost.
Some encourage the saved.
And some keep the movement in step.
All are needed.
If God has called you to be a Lazarus, then testify.
Remind the rest of us that we, too, have a story to tell.
We, too, have neighbors who are lost.
We, too, have died and been resurrected.
Cast of Characters