01-07-2016, 04:19 AM
Let Go, Let God
God and I are One.
The poem “This Is the Year,” by Russell Kemp, begins “Wonderful, wonderful, fortunate you, This is the year that your dreams come true!”
I may think that my needs are too insignificant or too large for prayer. In Truth, all of my heart’s desires are in the infinite care and power of Spirit.
God and I are One. Keeping this thought in mind, I easily release any personal struggles or concerns and place my faith in the universal love of the one Presence and one Power. I let go and let God.
I am worthy of my dreams coming true, so after letting go, I trust. The Universe conspires to ensure my happiness. I am divinely supported in living my highest potential. One with all that is, I enjoy a thriving and prosperous life.
The Father and I are one.—John 10:30
Daily Word
God and I are One.
The poem “This Is the Year,” by Russell Kemp, begins “Wonderful, wonderful, fortunate you, This is the year that your dreams come true!”
I may think that my needs are too insignificant or too large for prayer. In Truth, all of my heart’s desires are in the infinite care and power of Spirit.
God and I are One. Keeping this thought in mind, I easily release any personal struggles or concerns and place my faith in the universal love of the one Presence and one Power. I let go and let God.
I am worthy of my dreams coming true, so after letting go, I trust. The Universe conspires to ensure my happiness. I am divinely supported in living my highest potential. One with all that is, I enjoy a thriving and prosperous life.
The Father and I are one.—John 10:30
Daily Word