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12-28-2015, 12:07 PM
Persevering Through Silence

Job 23:16-17

God always has a purpose for being silent. I learned this lesson—and its corollary—in college.

One day during my senior year, I prepared to pray over a situation that would impact my future. But as I got on my knees, I felt as if God was suddenly gone. For three days and nights, His presence seemed miles away. The fourth evening, some friends gathered to intercede on my behalf, but to no avail. Nearly defeated, I was headed back to my room when I saw my buddy Don’s light. I climbed through his open window (the dorms were locked), and we prayed until dawn. Still nothing.

I beseeched the Father all week. Then, at last, He dramatically intervened in my life to clearly dictate my next steps. The corollary is this: When God is silent, keep on praying!

Far too many times, I’ve heard people say they quit praying about a need because there was no answer. Matthew 17:20 says faith the size of a mustard seed can move mountains—imagine how tiny our trust must be when we give up on the Lord! Believers cannot treat prayers like quarters fed into a vending machine giving an instant response. Talking to God is a long-term investment in the intimate friendship we have with Him.

Though God may be silent for a time, He never ceases working on our behalf. When the time is right, He provides an outcome aligning with His perfect plan. Giving up before the Lord responds to your call is a grave mistake. So pray on, friends. Pray on!
