View Full Version : Stand To Love

09-08-2013, 12:08 PM

Declare me innocent, O Lord,
for I have acted with integrity;
I have trusted in the Lord without wavering.
Put me on trial, Lord, and cross-examine me.
Test my motives and affections.
For I am constantly aware of your unfailing love,
and I have lived according to your truth.
I do not spend time with liars
or go along with hypocrites.
I hate the gatherings of those who do evil,
and I refuse to join in with the wicked.
I wash my hands to declare my innocence.
I come to your altar, O Lord,
singing a song of thanksgiving
and telling of all your miracles.
I love your sanctuary, Lord,
the place where your glory shines.
Don't let me suffer the fate of sinners.
Don't condemn me along with murderers.
Their hands are dirty with wicked schemes,
and they constantly take bribes.
But I am not like that;
I do what is right.
So in your mercy, save me.
I have taken a stand,
and I will publicly praise the Lord.
Psalm 26

So, David knew what it meant to stand. Many, many times he gave the Lord permission to test his motives and let him see any hidden sins that hindered his spiritual growth. We should not be afraid to do the same thing.

Unlike David, I cannot proclaim that I have trusted the Lord without wavering. Oh, I want to. I want to trust Him with all that I am and have, but way too often my old nature slips in and I start trying to do things "my way." Not a very good idea.

It is extremely hard to have balance in our lives around those who do not know Jesus yet. At times, it truly is difficult to hate the sin, but love the sinner, especially when they are flaunting their sin in your face. Unfortunately, love isn't an option for the Christian � it is our major calling!

We are called on to take a stand for the Lord and sometimes that is done best with silent love � actions that include people � not exclude them. The only way we can do that is to confess our sins daily, reminding ourselves that we too have not arrived and are still well on our way to becoming all that God wants us to be.

So, if God has called us to stand still or take a stand it might be a really good idea to publicly praise Him � no matter what the cost.

Father, as we come to worship You today, help us be ever conscious of those around us who may not know You. Give us an anointing of peaceful love that includes them in our circle of love. Holy Spirit, we give You permission to whisper to our heart the words of encouragement a hurting heart needs. Empower us to love. The Well