12-01-2015, 10:06 AM
Encouragement is the ability to give someone motivation or inspiration to do what they need to do or to feel better about themselves. It means to inspire with courage or hope. When we are encouraged by others, we feel a little better about ourselves. When we encourage others, we can help them feel more inspired to carry on. When is the best time to encourage others? Today and every day. We never know what they may be going through so why not give an encouraging word?
Hebrews 3:13 �But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called �Today,� so that none of you may be hardened by sin�s deceitfulness.� (KJV)
Dear Lord, we know You call us to be encouraging to one another every day. We know there are all sorts of temptations around us that can easily bring us down. We know there are people going through hard times and an encouraging word or action will help them stay more focused on You. Give us the right words to say and the right actions to take so we are an encouragement to others today and every day. In Jesus� name. Amen.
God wants us to be an encouragement to others so they will not be hardened by sin.
We should encourage others to focus on God so they will live a life according to His will.
We never know what others may be going through so why not give an encouraging word?
We encourage others so they will be reminded to turn from their sins and turn to God.
Since all have sinned and are tempted to sin, we could help them out with some encouraging words.
Romans 3:23 �For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God�s glorious standard.� (NLT)
Focus: Let�s decide to say or do something encouraging to next person we see. 51
Encouragement is the ability to give someone motivation or inspiration to do what they need to do or to feel better about themselves. It means to inspire with courage or hope. When we are encouraged by others, we feel a little better about ourselves. When we encourage others, we can help them feel more inspired to carry on. When is the best time to encourage others? Today and every day. We never know what they may be going through so why not give an encouraging word?
Hebrews 3:13 �But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called �Today,� so that none of you may be hardened by sin�s deceitfulness.� (KJV)
Dear Lord, we know You call us to be encouraging to one another every day. We know there are all sorts of temptations around us that can easily bring us down. We know there are people going through hard times and an encouraging word or action will help them stay more focused on You. Give us the right words to say and the right actions to take so we are an encouragement to others today and every day. In Jesus� name. Amen.
God wants us to be an encouragement to others so they will not be hardened by sin.
We should encourage others to focus on God so they will live a life according to His will.
We never know what others may be going through so why not give an encouraging word?
We encourage others so they will be reminded to turn from their sins and turn to God.
Since all have sinned and are tempted to sin, we could help them out with some encouraging words.
Romans 3:23 �For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God�s glorious standard.� (NLT)
Focus: Let�s decide to say or do something encouraging to next person we see. 51