11-17-2015, 08:05 PM
November 17
Food For Thought
Escape into Sleep
After we stop eating compulsively, we may be tempted to use sleep as a form of escape. Though not as detrimental as excess food, too much sleep can also make us lethargic and dull. The danger lies in allowing ourselves to escape the realities of living, rather than coping with them.
We all need adequate rest in order to feel good and function efficiently. Sleep becomes an escape, however, if we take long daytime naps instead of finding worthwhile and enjoyable activities. Just as we may have overeaten because of boredom, we may oversleep because we have nothing better to do.
Our Higher Power has a plan for the time and talents He gives us. It is our job to discover how and where we can best serve God and each other. With the new life we are given in OA goes the responsibility to use it productively. Since this is the only life we have, we do not choose to sleep it away. By facing our problems with the help of this program, we learn how to deal with them.
Deliver me from indolence.
Not sure if my sleep was because I needed it or whether it was escape. I think it was caused by my new medication. My nights and days are often mixed up because of a sleeping disorder where I can't sleep or only sleep 1-3 hours at a time, often not getting more than a couple of addiction hours if I am lucky.
I know in the past that I used my bed to hide from many things. In today, I don't do that. For me to sleep 12 hours is unheard of.
Food For Thought
Escape into Sleep
After we stop eating compulsively, we may be tempted to use sleep as a form of escape. Though not as detrimental as excess food, too much sleep can also make us lethargic and dull. The danger lies in allowing ourselves to escape the realities of living, rather than coping with them.
We all need adequate rest in order to feel good and function efficiently. Sleep becomes an escape, however, if we take long daytime naps instead of finding worthwhile and enjoyable activities. Just as we may have overeaten because of boredom, we may oversleep because we have nothing better to do.
Our Higher Power has a plan for the time and talents He gives us. It is our job to discover how and where we can best serve God and each other. With the new life we are given in OA goes the responsibility to use it productively. Since this is the only life we have, we do not choose to sleep it away. By facing our problems with the help of this program, we learn how to deal with them.
Deliver me from indolence.
Not sure if my sleep was because I needed it or whether it was escape. I think it was caused by my new medication. My nights and days are often mixed up because of a sleeping disorder where I can't sleep or only sleep 1-3 hours at a time, often not getting more than a couple of addiction hours if I am lucky.
I know in the past that I used my bed to hide from many things. In today, I don't do that. For me to sleep 12 hours is unheard of.