View Full Version : Daily Motivator - November
10-31-2015, 10:03 AM
November 1
Step right up
Step right up to life today and throw yourself into it. Open your eyes, open your heart, open your mind, open your arms and open your life to all that’s possible.
You have a deep-seated desire to be passionate, so light up that passion right now. Let it energize every part of you.
There is much to explore, much to create, and much to experience. There are things to be learned, challenges to be transformed into value, and connections to be made with others who share your passion for living.
Take stock of all the goodness, all the opportunities, all the powerful tools and resources available to you. Then take action, and make good and meaningful use of it all.
This is a day to live at your highest level. This is your chance to live in such a positive, purposeful way that you can look back on it with satisfaction and gratitude.
Go ahead, and fully engage the living passion that is unique to you. Step right up, confidently, enthusiastically, and experience how great it feels to give your best to life.
— Ralph Marston
11-02-2015, 07:38 AM
November 2
Amazing things
You can do amazing things when you put your mind to it. You can do amazing things when you put some time and effort into it.
You can do amazing things when you allow yourself to express your authentic purpose. Today is your opportunity to do amazing things.
Stop assuming you can't do it. Get busy proving you can.
Yes, circumstances are limiting and there's only a certain amount of time. And yes, you can get it done anyway.
Get focused, get started and keep going. Experience the thrill and satisfaction as you rack up new achievements.
Enjoy using your time for more than just getting by. You can do amazing things, so get on it right now.
Ralph S. Marston
11-03-2015, 02:12 AM
November 3
Quiet acts of kindness
Most of them you never see. Yet everywhere you go, quiet acts of kindness surround you.
Every day, good people live their lives with strength, with purpose, with compassion and integrity. Every day, the whole world is lifted by people who are happy for the opportunity to make a difference.
Those who boast about it or make grand promises are not the ones advancing life's goodness. It's the quiet, sincere kindness, from folks who have no interest in taking credit, that gives each day its special shine.
The world is filled with good, caring people who never make the news and who never care to. The magnitude of their kindness each day is too large and far too widespread to ever be calculated.
Life is good today because so many people choose to see it as good. And in every small moment, each in his or her own way, they humbly give life to the goodness.
Quiet acts of kindness surround you, even now. Feel the goodness and quietly pass it on.
Ralph S. Marston
11-04-2015, 08:30 AM
November 4
Always choose excellence
Whatever you do, do it well. Whatever you do, do with excellence.
You can get by in life without engendering excellence, without doing your very best. But merely getting by is not the point.
You have the opportunity to immerse yourself in life's richness, so seize that opportunity and hold on tight. Whatever life delivers, you can transform it into excellence.
With your efforts, pull excellence from the most ordinary moments and the most common tasks. Take advantage of every chance to feel the satisfaction of knowing you have given your best.
Excellence reminds you how much you care. Excellence shows you how great it is to be alive.
You always have a choice of how to think, what to feel, how to act, what to expect and how to live. Always choose excellence.
Ralph S. Marston
11-05-2015, 08:23 AM
November 5
Have a little patience
What you gain in an instant can be lost in an instant. Have a little patience, invest in the long term, and create real value that lasts.
Be thankful that the good things take time to build. The time and energy you give are what make the good things worth having.
When you demand to have every desire met immediately, you end up with a whole lot of anxiety and frustration. Have a little patience, allow life to unfold at a rich and sustainable pace, and enjoy fulfillment as it is created.
Hurrying deprives you of living. The point of life is to live it fully, not to rush through every little part.
Take a deep, slow breath, and remind yourself how fortunate you are already. Remind yourself too that being patient and composed is much more effective than being nervous and restless.
Today, in these circumstances, and every day, in every circumstance, have a little patience. And enjoy a rich, rewarding life.
Ralph S. Marston
11-06-2015, 08:30 AM
November 6
Smile from your heart
Offer the world a smile from your heart today. It's a simple, easy act that upgrades whatever situation you're in.
You look better when you smile, because you are better. A genuine smile pushes away negativity and supercharges your attitude.
Say what you say with a smile on your face, and you exude confidence, enthusiasm and credibility. Spread that smile into the core of your being, and a world of new possibilities suddenly appears in front of you.
Smile when there's a reason, and smile when there's no reason. Smile, and let your smile create its own reasons.
Dare yourself to visualize this day in the most positive, empowering light. Smile with your face, your words, your actions and your attitude.
Give life permission to shower you and all those around you today with goodness and value. Smile, and turn up the brightness in this world.
Ralph S. Marston
11-07-2015, 08:51 AM
November 7
Immensity of opportunity
Life is here and now. Live it here and now.
Don't waste time reveling in past glories or worrying about future concerns. Get the most from this moment now, while it is here.
Every possibility exists, but you don't need to dwell on those possibilities. Just pick a possibility and go with it, choose a path and explore it.
Feel your desire and follow that desire. Appreciate the beauty around you, get curious, and dive deeply into that beauty and wonder.
Acknowledge what you love, and act to express and fulfill that love. Know you can make a positive difference, and experience the satisfaction of doing so.
Life is rich, beautiful and filled with opportunity. Feel the immensity of opportunity, and live it now.
Ralph S. Marston
11-07-2015, 08:51 AM
November 8
Imagine that
Imagine that life is what you think of it. What would you think?
Imagine that anything is possible to achieve. What would you achieve?
Imagine that there are no limitations. How would you find fulfillment?
Imagine that you can see the immense value hidden in every challenge. How diligently would you work to bring that value to life?
Imagine that the future is yours to create in whatever way you wish. What way do you wish?
Imagine all the possibilities that are here right now. What will you do with them?
— Ralph Marston
11-09-2015, 08:29 AM
November 9
Progress is progress
Even when you're unable to do a lot, you still can do a little. A small effort advances life much more than no effort at all, and those small efforts add up.
When you're not able to get all the work done, don't waste your time pouting about it. Utilize your time to get some of the work done.
Progress is progress, whether it's small, large, fast or slow. Instead of making excuses or regrets, make progress.
This day affords you opportunity, so use it while you have it. When you're prevented from doing one thing, move on to something else.
Stride confidently, step by step, in the direction you've chosen, doing what you can with what you have. Interruptions, disappointments, distractions and delays will come, and through them all you can keep going.
With your effort and commitment, trade each small moment for a small victory. Moment by moment, day by day, allow achievement to steadily unfold through your actions.
Ralph S. Marston
11-10-2015, 08:07 AM
November 10
Let life encourage you
Give yourself permission to feel great about right now. Give yourself the go-ahead to bubble with enthusiasm for what you can do with this day.
Remind yourself how good it is to look forward to the future. Realize all you can do today to make tomorrow worthy of eager anticipation.
Breeze on past any setbacks that have come your way. What's happened has happened, and the best thing you can do about it is to accelerate your pace toward a more positive place.
Applaud the challenges that come your way, for those challenges reveal your strength and increase it. Radiate true confidence as you transform the challenges into achievements.
Let life encourage you, whatever it may hold. With your attitude, your words and actions, share that encouragement with everyone you encounter.
In every joy, in every sadness, through the ups and the downs, decide you'll let life encourage you. Inject the energy of that encouragement into everything you do.
Ralph S. Marston
11-11-2015, 08:18 AM
November 11
Actively involved
Don't wait in idleness for your life to go where you want it to go. Get out in front and lead it there.
Expect the best, hope for the best, and then take the next, crucial step. Spring into action, employ your resourcefulness and engage your creativity to make all those good things happen.
You deserve the best in life, but that doesn't mean anything is going to be given to you. You have the good fortune of being able to earn it.
You can define precisely what you seek, and visualize yourself making it happen. Then you can live that vision, and express it through your actions to make it real.
Patience is a virtue, but patience does not mean sluggishness. Get yourself actively involved in life on every level, and the more you do so, the better life gets.
Choose your direction with decisiveness, commitment, action, time, energy, and everything else you have. Get actively involved in leading your life, and your life will go right where you lead.
Ralph S. Marston
11-12-2015, 08:07 AM
November 12
Stay in motion
When life is going your way, keep going. When life is not going your way, keep going.
Don't let yourself be stopped by the pain of failure. Don't let yourself be stopped by the complacency of success.
Stay in motion, and you can choose your direction. Stay in motion, or you'll get pushed around by forces outside your control.
It's not always easy to stay in motion, yet it is always the best choice. Persist, and nothing can keep you down for long.
Build value on top of your victories and build value on top of your defeats. Stay in motion, and everything is an opportunity.
Give yourself the advantage of a powerful and prolonged momentum. Stay in motion, and stay in positive control of the way your life unfolds.
Ralph S. Marston
11-13-2015, 07:10 AM
November 13
Feel good about yourself
Sure, it's easy to feel sorry for yourself. Yet feeling good about yourself is just as easy, and a lot more empowering.
Whether you decide to feel sorry for yourself or good about yourself, you can come up with all kinds of reasons to support your decision. So make the more positive choice to feel good about yourself.
The way you feel is a choice, not a foregone conclusion. You can make the choice that serves you best, and being positive serves you better than being negative.
Feel good about yourself, and that good feeling will carry over into every part of your life. You'll improve interactions with others, the effectiveness of your efforts, your creativity, resourcefulness, energy level and many other things.
Feel good about yourself, your life, your situation, your expectations and possibilities. Feel good about your own life and you'll resonate with the goodness that's all around you.
Go ahead, let yourself feel good about yourself. And give powerful, positive value to everything you do.
Ralph S. Marston
11-14-2015, 08:18 AM
November 14
Pinnacle of today
You are more capable today than yesterday, more capable than you've ever been. Whatever you may have expected of yourself in the past, you can expect even better things now.
Every day, your wisdom and experience grow. Every day you learn, you achieve, you solve problems, absorb new information and become more skilled at being you.
Your entire life has brought you to the pinnacle of today. Feel your strength, feel your capability, feel your love for what's most important to you, and put your strength to use in the service of all you treasure.
From the perspective of now, no moment in your life has been wasted. All your experiences have delivered you to this place where you can achieve great and meaningful things.
Seize this opportunity to fulfill the promise that has been gathering strength your whole life. You have reached the pinnacle of today, so let its value flow forth from your actions.
Raise your expectations to meet the reality of your potential. And do what you do best, in a way that's better than ever before.
Ralph S. Marston
11-14-2015, 08:18 AM
November 15
Real, fulfilling life
Life gives to you what you give to life. The way you experience life depends on the way you choose to live it.
If you act according to your own greed, you will suffer from the greed of others. If you live with hatred you will be the recipient of hatred.
When you live out of a sense of authentic love, you will receive love from others. Live with true respect, and you will be truly respected.
You cannot possibly get the good things you do not wish to give. You cannot possibly avoid receiving in return whatever it is you offer to life.
A puzzle that is solved for you is really not any fun. A life that is lived for you is no life at all.
Make your own way, shoulder your own burdens, and give your very best in every moment. That is real, fulfilling life, and it is priceless.
— Ralph Marston
11-16-2015, 07:58 AM
November 16
What you allow yourself
Everything you've achieved is what you've allowed yourself to achieve. What will you allow yourself to achieve today?
All the actions you've taken are based on what you expect yourself to do. What will you allow yourself to expect today?
You have the tools to make a difference in life. What tools will you allow yourself to utilize today?
You can allow the excuses to hold you back, or you can allow the possibilities to propel you forward. You can allow yourself to waste precious time or you can allow yourself to enjoy spending time in productive, creative effort.
Each day in your past has been lived the way you allowed yourself to live it. You now can allow yourself to live today in such a way that you'll look back on it with satisfaction, and with no regrets.
Through all its ups and downs, life ultimately proceeds in the way you allow. Allow yourself to live today in the most positive, honest and fulfilling way you can imagine.
Ralph S. Marston
11-17-2015, 07:28 AM
November 17
Enjoying life
Make today a great day by enjoying it. Make your efforts effective by enjoying them.
Enjoyment gives positive energy to wherever you are and whatever you are doing. The more you enjoy anything, the more reasons you have to enjoy it.
It may be tempting to try and feel superior by complaining and looking down on life. But any feeling of superiority that comes from doing so is just an illusion.
You are always at your best when you enjoy yourself and the people and circumstances that surround you. You are naturally inclined to get better and better at doing the things you enjoy.
The more of life you can enjoy, the more effective you will be. So it makes sense to enjoy as much as you can.
Whatever the situation, find a way to enjoy yourself in it. Become skilled and experienced at enjoying life, and always live life at its best.
Ralph S. Marston
11-18-2015, 07:41 AM
November 18
You still have today
Imagine it is tomorrow, you are looking back on today, and ask yourself this. What do you regret not doing?
Whatever it is, you have just given yourself the chance to avoid that regret. Because you still have today, and you can act today to avoid tomorrow's regrets.
Too often we fail to realize how valuable something is until it is gone forever. Take this opportunity to remind yourself how valuable today is, while you still have it.
Even though this day is not perfect, there is plenty you can do with it. Even though there are frustrations, problems and disappointments, there are also a whole lot of positive possibilities.
You still have today, and with it you have the ability to solve the problems, to transcend the disappointments and to experience new joys. You can learn, laugh, love and live fully.
Today, while you still have it, you can make a difference in the way your life unfolds. Avoid the regrets of tomorrow by plunging fully into life and into action today.
Ralph S. Marston
11-19-2015, 08:00 AM
November 19
The beauty of now
Life is lived with what you have, not with empty wishes for more. Be pushed forward by your ambition for what can be, while you derive full benefit from what already is.
If you're constantly focused on what you want to have someday, you'll miss out on the goodness and value already available to you. Honor your vision for the future by acting on it today, where you are, with what you have.
Enjoy each moment for what it is, without being obsessed about what it might someday get you. Appreciate the beauty that's already here and now, and find inspiration in that beauty, here and now.
Every desire you have for the future points to an inner value that you can express today. Let those good values flow out into the world with your words and actions now.
As great as your ambition may be, you already have enough for right now. Make full use of what you now have, to do great things today.
The more you value what you already have, the more you'll be able to do with it. See the beauty and value of right now, right here, and live it fully.
Ralph S. Marston
11-20-2015, 07:50 AM
November 20
Do what is difficult
Achievement is the result of doing what is difficult. If you're not willing to do what is difficult, you won't get very far.
Doing what is difficult is not really as bad as it might seem, when you simply go ahead and do it. Stop avoiding, quit procrastinating, and you actually make it easier to do what is difficult and necessary.
Many times you've seen how working through challenges can strengthen you. You've felt your confidence grow by choosing to face life's difficulties rather than hide from them.
In difficulty is great opportunity. Be the person who seizes that opportunity.
Jump in and take on the tough assignments. Be willing to do what is difficult, and you bring success, satisfaction, new value and fulfillment into your life.
Show life how much you love it by having the courage to do what is necessary, even when it is difficult, uncomfortable and inconvenient. Do what is difficult, and leave a positive trail wherever you go.
Ralph S. Marston
11-21-2015, 05:12 AM
November 21
Expect excellence
Approach your day, your work, your life with the expectation of excellence. Expect excellence from yourself and from others, and raise the quality of results you achieve.
Expect excellence, then support that expectation with your attitude, your thoughts, words and actions. Your life and your unique possibilities are too important to settle for just getting by.
There's always room for improvement. Find places for improvement, make improvements, and push the whole world a little further forward.
Throughout history good people have committed their lives to creating excellence. Today, throughout your life, you enjoy the cascading benefits of those commitments to excellence.
And now, you can continue the worthy tradition. Show your gratitude for the excellence you've known in your life by creating more of it.
Expect excellence today. And make it happen.
Ralph S. Marston
11-21-2015, 05:12 AM
November 22
Don’t sell life short
Don’t sell life short. Don’t sell yourself short.
Everywhere you go there are opportunities for new richness. In everything you do there’s a way to make a difference.
Nothing in life is really plain or ordinary because life itself is so extraordinary. You have life, and the chance to do beautiful, amazing things with it, right here, right now.
The particular path you’ve traveled has never been duplicated in the history of the universe. Feel the value of that special perspective, and make use of it to give the world new meaning.
Whatever may have happened in your past, you have a uniquely promising future. Today is your opportunity to start living that future, to experience the fulfillment of that promise.
Dream big, expect the best, and then put forth your highest efforts in the service of those dreams and expectations. Act as if life’s greatest magnificence is yours to live, for it is, the moment you choose it.
— Ralph Marston
11-23-2015, 07:29 AM
November 23
Your unique purpose
If you're not motivated enough to take action, you're not motivated enough. If you're not inspired enough to get up and get busy, find yourself some more inspiration.
There's something that will compel you to jump up each morning and get things done. There's some dream, some goal, some desire, something you want to do with life, that will push you to take whatever action must be taken.
The easy choice is to deny that you have a driving purpose. The easy choice is to pretend that life is conspiring to prevent you from following your dreams.
But that easy choice brings regret rather than fulfillment. You, and your unique purpose, deserve more.
You deserve to feel the passion that comes from investing yourself in what you care about. You deserve to experience the ups and downs, the frustrations and satisfactions of your own focused efforts and the fruits of those efforts.
So reach deep inside, and admit to yourself what you care about the most, and what you really, truly want to do with this day. Then stand up right now and go for it.
Ralph S. Marston
11-24-2015, 04:55 AM
November 24
Choose to be positive
When you feel good, you make the world a better place. Because when you feel good, that good feeling flows out from you into others.
It is not selfish or self-centered to feel good. What's selfish is to burden the world with more negativity.
Give yourself permission to rise above that negativity. Give yourself permission to be a positive influence in this day, and every day.
You don't have to react to misfortune or disappointment by bringing yourself down. You can just as realistically move forward in a positive way.
Decide that if the worst happens, you'll respond by being your best. Decide that when the best happens, you'll grab the opportunity to make it even better.
Choose to be positive, helpful, encouraging, compassionate and joyful, no matter what. And add new richness and beauty wherever you go.
Ralph S. Marston
11-25-2015, 03:07 AM
November 25
The time to live is now
The person you've been waiting to become, woke up and got out of bed this morning. The day you've been waiting for, to really, truly, fully live, is here.
The time to wait is over. The time to live is now.
Your dreams are ready for you to fulfill. Your values, your interests, your passions, your goals are all ready for you to express, here and now.
Whatever else this moment brings, it also brings the opportunity to live with richness and joy. Though the trumpets may not blare and the crowds may not cheer, this is a moment worthy of such.
This is an extraordinary moment in an extraordinary day, with possibilities that have no end. And you are here right now to live it.
Your time has arrived, loaded with opportunity. Stop waiting and start living.
Ralph S. Marston
11-26-2015, 03:14 AM
November 26
Flow of abundance
Let the world astonish you today with its goodness. Warm the whole of your being with gratitude for it all.
Abundance flows out from every situation, with every action, in every moment. Bursting from the smallest particles of experience, stretching across the grand expanses of all existence, abundance continues its flow.
Look beyond the little problems that flicker on the surface. With your awareness, dive into the vast reservoir of positive possibilities.
Jump joyfully and gratefully into the flow of abundance that is now. Let it come to you, let it come through you, and let it come from you.
Energize your life in this moment by seeing the new goodness that is possible. With that energy, bring the possibilities to life.
Live and act, think and feel as though you are the most fortunate person ever. As you do, you are.
Ralph S. Marston
11-27-2015, 06:12 AM
November 27
Let go of what you're not
Let go of what you're not. Your life, your time and your energy are too important to waste.
Let go of what you're not, and make more room for all you love. Drop the pretenses and embrace authentic goodness.
You can make the biggest positive difference by being you. You can change the world for the better by being your authentic best.
Let go of what you're not and celebrate all you are. Wrap your awareness around what really matters.
You'll never be satisfied following anyone else's dream. Real fulfillment comes from achieving what is most meaningful to you.
Let go of what you're not, and give yourself the space to fully live as the unique, beautiful person you are. Let go of what you're not, and free yourself to give your best to all of life.
Ralph S. Marston
11-28-2015, 02:13 AM
November 28
More love and less drama
Life is challenging enough. Don't make it more challenging by adding unnecessary drama and conflict.
When you have the choice between fighting and forgiveness, forgive. When you have the choice between resentment and reconciliation, see if you can reconcile.
Those who decline to carry a grudge have a much lighter load. Those who focus on giving, encounter a lot less resistance.
Be willing to step up to life's challenges, be ready to stand up for yourself and defend all you hold dear. But don't fight and struggle just to fight and struggle.
Instead of looking for a fight, look for a peaceful way forward. Instead of seeking revenge, work to lift your world so high that any revenge would be meaningless.
You've seen how beautiful and joyful life can be, if you will just let it. Just let it, by creating more love and less drama.
Ralph S. Marston
11-28-2015, 02:19 AM
November 29
You can do more
You can do more, and in fact you know you’ll enjoy doing more. You can give more, authentically, enthusiastically, and you know how great that feels.
This world is filled with problems and pains, but that never has to get you down. For there’s always more you can do to make a positive difference, to transform those problems into opportunities and then into value.
When you’ve done all you can, the amazing thing is this. You can rest for a little while, and then you can do more.
As painful as the setbacks may be, they never have to be permanent. Because you can do more.
As wonderful as any achievement may be, the satisfaction of achieving does not have to end. Because the great thing is, you can do more.
Whether life gets you down or lifts you up, as long as you have life there is a readily accessible way forward if you’ll just remember it. You can do more.
— Ralph Marston
11-30-2015, 04:07 AM
November 30
Plan and then act
Think, but don't overthink. Consider, but don't consider so much that you fail to take action.
Plan, prepare and strategize, but don't stop there. Do what you have planned.
It's not enough to think you should do it, or hope to do it, or make elaborate plans for doing it. Go beyond mere planning, take the first step, and the next step and the next, until the job is done.
Thinking things through is great, up to a point. After a certain point, thinking becomes a substitute for action or even worse, an excuse for not taking action.
Though you may be highly skilled at anticipating what will happen, you never know for sure until you actually do it. So give some thought to it, then do it.
Yes, it's fun to make big plans. Never forget, though, what's even more fun is to see those plans come to life through your actions.
Ralph S. Marston
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