View Full Version : Daily Motivator - October
10-02-2015, 06:55 AM
October 1
A day well lived
In the past, you've experienced the pain of being disappointed in yourself. Take this chance to remind yourself not to create that kind of pain again.
Today you have the opportunity to avoid the painful disappointment that comes when you've let yourself down. Today you can fill your moments with meaningful efforts, and end the day knowing you've done your best.
Instead of spending this day in ways you'll regret, you can invest its hours in activities that will satisfy and fulfill you. Instead of wasting your time, energy and resources, you can make it all count for something meaningful and valuable.
No matter who you are, and no matter what you start with, at the end of the day you'll be answering to yourself for what you've done. Make sure that answer is a good and satisfying one.
Right now, while you can, push yourself in a positive direction. Right now, while you're thinking about it, take some decisive action to commit yourself to excellence.
Avoid disappointment today by seeking out and following a path that will make life better for yourself and all those around you. Give yourself the gift of a day well lived, with no regrets and no disappointments.
Ralph S. Marston
10-02-2015, 06:56 AM
October 2
Beyond your assumptions
Your assumptions cause you to see things that are not there. Your assumptions blind you to realities that are all too real.
Your assumptions save you the time and effort of thinking everything through. That can be helpful, and it can also be dangerous.
If you assume too little, you can become paralyzed by the need to endlessly evaluate every new situation you encounter and every new decision you must make. If you assume too much, you can lose touch with reality.
Depend on your assumptions, while also challenging and verifying them regularly. Though you've accumulated some great experience and wisdom, life isn't always the way you assume it will be.
Beyond your assumptions, new and valuable possibilities thrive and multiply. As comfortable as those assumptions may be, keep in mind that they can severely limit you.
Remind yourself often that your assumptions are just that, assumptions. Remind yourself often to see the realities and participate in the possibilities that you never would have assumed are out there.
Ralph S. Marston
10-03-2015, 07:03 AM
October 3
Prove to life how great it can be
Let the beauty of this life encourage you to act with goodness and creativity. When you encounter challenges, let them motivate you to build new value in your world.
Be inspired by the success of others, and push yourself beyond whatever limitations you may have previously imagined. You deserve a life of excellence, and you deserve the matchless experience of working to create that excellence.
Where there are difficulties, see the opportunities for greater fulfillment. Where there are painful situations, injustice and despair, open yourself to the awareness of all the ways you can make a difference.
Whatever happens today, choose to let it support and encourage you. In every circumstance, in each experience, in the news you hear and in the people you encounter, find the positive possibilities.
Let life lift you up, no matter how it unfolds. Be ever mindful of the fact that you can always respond in a loving and life-affirming way.
There is always much to give you encouragement, hope and energy. Whatever happens, take it in stride, fill yourself with inspiration from it all, and prove to life how great it can be.
Ralph S. Marston
10-03-2015, 07:04 AM
October 4
Jump right in
Stop waiting, dreaming and hoping for someday. Start living and working today to achieve the best of your dreams and to fulfill the highest of your hopes.
Whatever you put off until someday, never happens. Someday is forever out there, just around the corner, but never here and now.
All that you have, and all the great and creative things you’re able to do, are here and now. So jump right in and enjoy making life happen, here and now.
Waiting for someday is a lame excuse and a convenient way to hide from your own best possibilities. Choose today to stop hiding and to start really living.
No matter how ambitious your goal may be, there is something you can do about it right now. There is no need, and there is no point, in putting your fulfillment off until some non-existent someday.
Today is what you have, and it’s filled with energy, with possibility, with life and awareness and with your powerful presence. Embrace this day with all its richness, and use its moments to live true to your highest vision.
— Ralph Marston
10-05-2015, 08:22 AM
October 5
Purposeful work
Those who achieve are those who take the time to do it. Those who achieve are those who put forth the effort to make it happen.
Achievement can appear glamorous and out of reach at the same time, yet in truth it is neither. Achievement is built on intentional, focused, hard work, and is available to anyone willing to do that work.
When the food tastes great, or the lawn looks beautiful, or the sales of a business are growing, it is because someone did the work to make it happen. When the schedule is organized, when the show is entertaining, when the parking lot is clean, it is because people worked to make it so.
It's easy to complain, or to feel bad about the way things are, or to dream up excuses, but those activities don't create progress. Purposeful work is what creates progress.
Yet there's something even better. Apart from the rewards it brings, purposeful work is a highly satisfying thing to do.
And right now is your time to do it. Take the time, make the effort, and feel great as you bring new value to life in this world.
Ralph S. Marston
10-06-2015, 08:10 AM
October 6
Desire to be happy
Every person you encounter today has something in common with you. Just like you, every person holds a deep-seated desire to be happy.
The definition of what constitutes happiness varies greatly from person to person. And another person's strategy for achieving happiness may not make any sense to you.
Nevertheless, each person you talk to, or do business with, complain to, receive praise, insults or advice from, is seeking happiness. Each person is seeking happiness in his or her own way.
On your own, you cannot make other people happy. And other people cannot confer happiness upon you, or withhold it from you.
However, what you can do is respect in your actions, in your words, in your thoughts and attitude, the desire of every person to be happy. Your respect can make all the difference.
Do you want to live in a world filled with people who are disappointed, disgusted or angry with life, or in a world where people are happy with life? Choose to respect, encourage and support the universal desire for happiness in others, and you'll find your own desire for happiness to be increasingly fulfilled.
Ralph S. Marston
10-07-2015, 05:32 AM
October 7
Push through the reluctance
Rest for a while when you are weary, but only for a little while. If you rest too long, you will grow even more weary.
The way to have more energy is to utilize more energy. The way to feel like taking action is to build and maintain the momentum of taking action.
Traveling the first mile gives you the vitality to go the second mile, and the third, and the one thousandth. Improve your ability by putting that ability to work.
Push yourself to take the first few steps. Soon enough, momentum will help to push you forward.
At times it can be difficult to find others who will encourage you. So go ahead, get started, and be encouraged by your own action.
When you don't feel like doing anything is precisely when doing something will make you feel a whole lot better. Push through the weariness, push through the reluctance, and enjoy the power and strength of creating your own momentum.
Ralph S. Marston
10-08-2015, 06:21 AM
October 8
Your day to be strong
This day provides you with plenty of opportunities to be strong. Embrace those opportunities and experience how great it feels to exercise your own strength.
Frustrating situations do not have to frustrate you, because you're stronger than that. Temptations do not have to tempt you, because you have the strength to move on past them.
You have the strength to be purposeful and focused. You're able to accomplish what you choose to accomplish by harnessing your strength to do what must be done.
Whether your strength has recently been dormant or whether you've been making use of it, today it can grow even stronger. Commit yourself to be your true self in a way that's stronger and more positive than ever.
Feel your own strength as it grows, and watch new possibilities jump into view. Enjoy the richness that comes from living with strength, and be inspired to expand that strength.
Today is your day to be strong, purposeful and full of life. Give yourself the great satisfaction of living your strength in every moment.
Ralph S. Marston
10-09-2015, 06:40 AM
October 9
Live in gratitude
Every moment you live in gratitude is a moment you do not have to live in fear, or anger, frustration or disappointment. Every moment you live in gratitude empowers you to be more purposeful, effective, kind and creative.
It's easy to be grateful, though sometimes hard to remember to be. Let this serve as your reminder.
In fact, you can remind yourself to be grateful in a lot of different ways. It's obvious that you would be grateful for your blessings, yet there are plenty of other things you can add to the list.
When a challenge arises, you can be grateful for the strength and experience you'll gain and the new value you'll create by working through that challenge. When you've been disappointed or suffered a loss, you can be grateful for your ability to care about life.
Gratitude keeps you connected to the good and valuable parts of your life. When you remember to be grateful, you suddenly equip yourself with a powerful, positive perspective.
No matter what may happen, you can find a way to be grateful. Live in gratitude, and live at your very best.
Ralph S. Marston
10-10-2015, 07:29 AM
October 10
You can take action
Do what must be done, and care about what you do. It's not complicated, and you can do it, so stop making excuses and get going.
Think of how great you'll feel when you have transformed a necessity into an accomplishment. Imagine that feeling, and then get to work making it happen.
You have an amazing ability. You can formulate an intention, and then work that intention into reality.
Right now, on this day, in this place, you literally have the ability to change the world for the better. So decide precisely how you wish to change it, and get going.
Instead of just thinking, wishing, hoping or begging, you can take action. Yes, the task will likely be difficult, and yet in working through that difficulty you are creating original, unique value.
Take a deep breath, and realize what a magnificent opportunity you have. Then get yourself going and experience the fulfillment of making it into a magnificent reality.
Ralph S. Marston
10-10-2015, 07:29 AM
October 11
Fulfill the promise
You are making progress. Now, make some more.
You are experienced, capable and effective. Now, put your abilities again to good and meaningful use.
You are very knowledgeable. Now, build on what you know and learn some more.
There have been some beautiful and fulfilling moments in your life. Take the opportunity today to create some new ones.
You know how great true joy feels. Let more joy now flow out into the world from your life, your words, your feelings and actions.
You are alive in a universe filled with possibilities. Now, fulfill the awesome promise of all that is with the best that can be.
— Ralph Marston
10-12-2015, 08:30 AM
October 12
Storms of change
Changes slam into your life whether you want them to or not. Some changes frighten you, inconvenience you, frustrate and annoy you.
As unavoidable and difficult as the changes may be, you never have to let them get the best of you. For you can make your own changes, and make them for the better.
The world changes, and those changes challenge you to respond. Though you rarely can control or even influence the changes, you have full control over the way you respond.
Though the changes may seem to threaten all you know, including your very identity, that's really not the case. Even while storms of change rage on the outside, you can remain strong and firm in your values, priorities and commitments on the inside.
You can use that strength to take every change in stride. With it, you can support and expand all you love and value through every change that comes.
Changes are uncomfortable, and in that discomfort you feel your own power, urging you to put it to positive use. When changes come, engage that power to learn, adapt, improve and make the best of who you are, even better.
Ralph S. Marston
10-13-2015, 07:22 AM
October 13
Peaceful part of you
Your life, in the way it continues to unfold, demands much from you. You attempt new things, you care in new ways, you seek to make your world a better place and as a result, the pressures mount.
But those pressures don't have to translate into stress. Though you are heavily invested in the turmoil, you don't have to let it throw you around.
You can be active, involved, responsive and ambitious, and still be firmly at peace. Though what you do is important and demanding, and expresses your values, it is not who you are.
You could walk away from all you do and still be you, still have worth and integrity. Though you would never think of failing to honor your commitments, at your core you exist apart from those commitments, strong and still and at peace.
Choose often to feel that peaceful part of you, letting a soothing sense of peace wash over you. Feel your inner peace, not to abandon your outer life but to bring new strength to it.
The world is filled with all kinds of turmoil, pressure and demands. Fortunately, you can choose to deal with it all from a position of strength, stillness, confidence and peace, so do.
Ralph S. Marston
10-14-2015, 08:51 AM
October 14
A beautiful future
Everything you know about yourself and your world is based on what has happened in the past. Though that is useful knowledge, don't let it limit you.
People change, circumstances change, and new possibilities are born with each dawning day. What you do with the future does not have to be restrained by what you've done in the past.
If you've been disappointed or uninspired, dismayed or lacking in energy, that can stop right now. If it seems you've been having a bad month, a bad year or a bad decade, let yourself know that your fortunes are about to change.
Look forward with a positive perspective and act accordingly. Respect and treasure your past, while living in the present to create a fulfilling future.
Make good use of what you know, while keeping in mind that there's always a whole lot more to learn and to experience. Dare to dream of the best world you can imagine, and know the joy of doing all you can to make it happen.
This is a new moment, so take full advantage of its freshness. Go forward with the best of intentions, the highest integrity, energy and enthusiasm, and make the future a beautiful thing.
Ralph S. Marston, Jr.
10-15-2015, 07:40 AM
October 15
Not too satisfied
One of the worst things you can do with an achievement is to be fully satisfied with it. Sure, be satisfied, but not so satisfied that you stop taking any further action.
You didn't let the challenges stop you. It would be a shame to let your victory stop you.
Complacency can rob you of not only your achievements, but of your very will to achieve. Though you have earned the right to take a little break from your efforts, it's in your best interest not to make that break too long.
Let the achievement satisfy you for a little while. Then look for how it can challenge you and spur you to further achievement.
The most painful regrets are for opportunities missed. Don't let the good things you've done lull you into complacency about the new opportunities that have just been born.
Rather than resting on your achievements, build on them. Find even greater satisfaction by putting your skills and experience to work again, and again.
Ralph S. Marston
10-16-2015, 07:48 AM
October 16
Adding richness
Let whatever happens give new richness and meaning to life. Instead of rushing to make a judgment, seek to be thankful.
Take a moment to look back on your life. See how everything you've been through has contributed to the wise, strong and capable person you are.
No matter how today's experiences may feel right now, eventually you'll have new value in your life because of them. Let go of the resentment, the fear and the anxiety, and let the best possibilities take hold.
You have a chance to move forward now, with new knowledge, new strength, a higher level of determination and a stronger sense of purpose. Feel the power in that opportunity.
Whatever happens today, let it renew the love you have for all you love. Let it inspire new ways to express that love and to fulfill your highest values in even the ordinary, everyday moments.
This very day, this very situation is adding richness to your life. See it, accept it, live it and expand it far and wide.
Ralph S. Marston
10-17-2015, 09:18 AM
October 17
Love what life brings
Need pushes fulfillment away. Love dissolves need, and builds a place for fulfillment to flower.
Life's best possibilities are cast into darkness by striving. Love illuminates all those possibilities, revealing their power and beauty.
Love this day, with all that is in it, and love empowers you to live it well. Love the ups and downs, the obvious and the subtle, the disappointments and the triumphs, and give birth to great new value.
Look with love upon all who cross your path, whatever they may do. See the good fortune, the misfortune, the sincere and the devious, and love the positive possibilities they all encompass.
Love each effort, and each effort gains effectiveness and the power of purpose. Love the challenges, and you transform them into achievements.
Love what life brings, what life is, what life can be. And with your love, lift it higher.
Ralph S. Marston
10-17-2015, 09:18 AM
October 18
Jump in and get moving
Life can be great when you simply jump in and get moving. Instead of excessive worrying or endless analyzing, just make your choice and then go with it.
Your first instinct is often your best one, because it comes from your authentic self. When you start taking a lot of other conflicting opinions and perspectives into account, your options quickly shrink.
Certainly it pays to think things through, and to consider the advice of others. Just don't let it all dilute the passion that can energize your life.
Trying to make the perfect decision can often lead to no decision at all. Trying to avoid every mistake can be the biggest mistake, because you also avoid getting anything done.
Though you can plan for the future, you cannot precisely predict it. So go ahead with the best you have, and you'll be completely able to deal with whatever may happen.
Even though it has no guarantees, this day is an incredible opportunity. So step confidently, enthusiastically forward with a smile on your face and go with it.
— Ralph Marston
10-19-2015, 08:10 AM
October 19
Endless opportunities for joy
Life has no shortage of simple pleasures for you to enjoy. Seasons change, stars progress across the sky, water flows through gentle valleys and ocean waves lap at the shore.
A rugged, elderly woman offers a wise, sincere smile in return for your own. The stillness of an autumn evening is broken by the distinctive, plaintive call of an owl.
Life's common pleasures are simple, yet profound, and even miraculous. Children play noisily in the distance, and entire, amazing lives stretch out before and beyond them.
When you seek to have more, first remember this. You already have so very much.
The simple pleasures are no less enjoyable, and just as enriching as any complex, sophisticated experience you might wish to concoct. Yes, by all means reach for those impressive heights, but don't lose your appreciation for the goodness you already have.
Everywhere, life offers beautiful, simple pleasures and with them, endless opportunities for joy and gratitude. Take those opportunities, live the joy, feel the gratitude, and experience the boundless richness that is your life.
Ralph S. Marston
10-20-2015, 07:24 AM
October 20
Get past the fear
What if you gave yourself permission to no longer fear whatever you fear? What if, instead of blindly fearing it, you learned more about it, and sought to understand it and even to positively respond to it?
Fear gets your attention by being overly dramatic. Whatever you fear is not so bad as your fear has made it out to be.
Fear is useful in the short term because it can prepare you and spur quick action. Yet over time, fear builds walls that imprison you and alienate you.
Listen to the fear, but don't let it become a permanent part of you. Learn from the fear, draw energy from it, and then get yourself past it.
Get past the fear, then summon your newfound courage to accept, to understand and to make something good out of the situation. Instead of letting the fear drain you, allow the positive possibilities to empower you.
You are strong, smart, capable and motivated to make a positive difference. Get past the fear, and do all the good things you know you can do.
Ralph S. Marston
10-21-2015, 07:26 AM
October 21
Give yourself an intention
If you're not following a meaningful purpose, you'll end up following a meaningless one. If you have no specific intention for the day, the world will steal your precious time in the form of empty distractions.
You have the energy, skills and knowledge to do great and valuable things right now. A specific intention, with a commitment to that intention, will put it all to good use.
As useless as they are, the world's distractions can be very compelling nonetheless. Give yourself an intention that is even more compelling.
Decide what you will do with the unique opportunity that is this day. Plant your intention firmly in your awareness, and keep it there.
You don't have to be tossed around by a chaotic, contradictory and confusing world. You don't have to settle for regret at the end of the day.
You can plot a course, and stay true to that course all day long. Set your intention, use this day to make it happen, and give your world value that can be treasured and enjoyed for a long time to come.
Ralph S. Marston
10-22-2015, 07:24 AM
October 22
Joy you deserve
Effort itself is a joy, once you get going with it. Usually the problem comes with getting yourself going in the first place.
So if you're reluctant to start, remind yourself of this. Effort is a joy, and not only is it a joy, it solves problems, creates value, and brings other great rewards.
Effort is an opportunity to make a difference. Effort enables you to do something meaningful and creative with your time.
Effort is a whole lot better than just sitting there. Sure, there's a time for relaxation, but too much relaxation will quickly make you miserable and restless.
Effort connects you to your best possibilities. Effort brings your dreams to life.
As difficult and inconvenient as it might sometimes be, effort is a joy you deserve to experience again and again. So go ahead, make the effort and give yourself some of that joy right now.
Ralph S. Marston
10-23-2015, 09:56 AM
October 23
Respond with kindness
Kindness makes life better for those who give it, for those who receive it, and for those who are around it. Kindness is something you can give, that continues to give to life as it goes far beyond you.
Being kind does not mean letting people take advantage of you. Being kind does not mean being naive or allowing others to get away with injustice.
Being kind is a matter of making the most powerful, positive choice in the way you respond. It's easy to react with anger, spite, pity, revulsion or smugness, but more powerful, in the long run, to respond with kindness and respect.
When you disagree with someone, anger will push you further apart. Kindness, even in a disagreement, will help bring you closer together.
There's nothing of value to be gained by trying to prove how much better you are. There is much to be gained, for everyone concerned, with kindness.
Whatever happens, see if you can find a way to respond with kindness. Keep kindness in your heart, and you'll add real richness to your life.
Ralph S. Marston
10-24-2015, 08:16 AM
October 24
Find some good challenges
You are a problem solver. You are well equipped to take on tough challenges and skilled at doing so.
But more than that, making a difference in the face of difficult challenges is an essential part of what makes you feel alive. Go too long without meaningful problems to solve, and life gets boring and tedious.
So how do you find those challenges that give you the opportunity to energize and enrich your life? You step forward in the direction of your dreams.
Make the commitment to build, support, create or expand something you really care about, and soon you'll run into some formidable challenges. At that point, you can be sure the adventure has begun.
Even if you don't go out and find them, challenges will eventually come into your life. So you might as well choose the ones through which you can work toward your dreams, in support of all the things you value most.
Put your capabilities to work by finding yourself some good challenges. Once the goal is reached, you'll thank yourself for the great adventure you've been able to enjoy.
Ralph S. Marston
10-24-2015, 08:18 AM
October 25
You can do this
You can do this. You can go from where you are right now to wherever you wish to be.
Achievement is not a mere concept, and not just for a lucky few. Achievement has brought you this far, and will carry you to what you choose next.
Whether you think of it this way or not, your life to this point has been a unique achievement. Every day, you have taken what life has thrown at you and you’ve made the choices that have resulted in your current situation.
If you are thrilled and delighted about that situation, then by all means keep on doing what you’ve been doing. If there are things you’d like to change, now is the time to adjust your approach and take the actions to get you there.
Whether it has been desirable or undesirable, or somewhere in between, you have achieved. Going forward, by making choices, and acting on those choices, you will achieve again and again.
You can do this, and you will do this. So choose right now to do it in a way that makes your life the best you can imagine.
— Ralph Marston
10-26-2015, 08:00 AM
October 26
Be yourself
Your job is to be yourself. Some people will like who you are and some won't, but there's really nothing you can do about the preferences of other people.
What you can do, is be your genuine self. What you can do is live and work and speak and act according to what's important to you, not worried in the least about what others might think.
You have the opportunity to live each moment in the service of all you love and treasure. True fulfillment will come from doing so, and not from the admiration of others.
Certainly it pays to be polite, respectful, friendly and decent to others. But none of that matters if you are not also your authentic self.
People can spot a fraud pretty quickly. It's much easier, and a whole lot smarter, to be yourself.
You are unique, valuable and worthy of a great life. Be yourself, give your special gifts sincerely to life, and enjoy the beautiful experience of living as the real person you are.
Ralph S. Marston
10-27-2015, 08:11 AM
October 27
Someday is not good enough
When it comes to what you intend to do, someday is not good enough. Someday never comes, and is nothing more than a way to put things off indefinitely.
If you really want to get it done, give yourself a deadline. Stop listening to your own excuses and start moving ahead with the work.
Give yourself a deadline and make it challenging, yet realistic. Then get started making it happen.
You have many great ideas for making life even better than it already is. Those ideas deserve to be acted upon.
A deadline forces you to focus, prioritize, innovate, take action and persist. A deadline provides you with a tangible way to measure progress, and to make adjustments along the way.
Transform your feeble hopes and empty wishes for someday into real, effective actions today. Give yourself a deadline, and give yourself the incomparable experience of bringing your best intentions to life.
Ralph S. Marston
10-28-2015, 07:26 AM
October 28
Savor the experience
Whether you're brushing your teeth, delivering a speech, driving through traffic or building a website, there's nothing to be gained by rushing through it. Give your love, attention and awareness to what you're doing, and savor the experience.
Instead of breeding anxiety by obsessively focusing on what's next, create gratitude, joy and effectiveness by savoring what is now. This is where you are, and this is what you're doing, so do it well.
Richness is found not in some future set of circumstances. The moment to enjoy life's richness is the moment you're in.
Pay full attention to now, to the people who share it with you, and to the good things you've chosen to do with it. Rather than imposing a judgment on whether your activities are desirable or not, find the positive value in each one.
Whatever you may be doing, keep in mind that your life is a miracle beyond compare. Rejoice at the good fortune you have to live that miracle in any way it happens to unfold.
The value in your life is the value that you choose to place on it. Savor the experience now, and always, and enjoy maximum value and richness in every moment.
Ralph S. Marston
10-29-2015, 08:33 AM
October 29
One hundred percent you
Your life is what you decide to make it. Though you are pushed, pulled, bumped and disrupted by outside influences, whatever you nurture inside wins the day.
Your life unfolds according to what you value, love, admire, emulate and commit yourself to. That doesn't mean merely what you say you care about, but what you truly care about with your actions and priorities in every moment.
Go ahead, activate your confidence in your own unique life. Admit to yourself and proclaim to the world what matters to you.
Celebrate all you love about life so often, so intensely you never forget it. Drink in the beauty, immerse yourself in goodness, and act accordingly.
You have great reasons to make the positive choices that empower your life and fulfill your best possibilities. Keep those reasons in mind as you go through the day, through the years, through all the ups and downs.
Life is what you decide to make it, here and now. Show the world how great life can be in a way that's one hundred percent you.
Ralph S. Marston
10-30-2015, 08:27 AM
October 30
Dive into the details
Before you do the work to reach your goal, do the work to convince yourself you can reach it. Get beyond your doubts by reminding yourself how willing and capable you are.
Any ambitious effort will seem daunting when you first contemplate it in a generalized, abstract way. To give yourself the confidence to do it, dive into the details.
There are plenty of tasks you're ready, willing and able to tackle. You can assemble those tasks together to achieve whatever goal you have chosen.
A solid, realistic pathway leads from where you are right now to the place you wish to go. Knowing what you already know, with skills and resources you already have, you can take the first step on that path today.
Make a detailed list of all the things you're willing to do to reach your goal. Having that list will give you the confidence to know you can do it and the inspiration to move forward.
Then go ahead, take one of the actions on your list, and another and another. Keep on going, one task at a time, and you'll reach the goal that once seemed so far away.
Ralph S. Marston
10-31-2015, 10:02 AM
October 31
A beautiful place
You are in a beautiful place today. Enjoy it.
You have life, and the ability to experience all its beauty and richness. You have the opportunity to make a difference.
If you focus too much on what you lack, you'll blind yourself to all the good things you already have. If you worry too much about what you need, you'll waste energy that could be used to create new value.
Spend a few moments being thankful. Then spend a few more moments enjoying how good that thankfulness makes you feel.
Open your heart to the beauty you can find in every little thing. Open your life to the good possibilities that are yours right now without any conditions or restrictions.
Put a smile on your face and let it spark a little joy in your heart. This is your day, this is your life, so enjoy being in it and delight at who you are.
Ralph S. Marston
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