09-02-2013, 11:52 AM
Many years ago a fellow shared with me that he had told his sponsor
that he didn't think he could get through Thanksgiving without
drinking. His sponsor asked him if he could get through today without
drinking, the guy said, "sure." Then the sponsor asked do you think
you could make it through a Thursday without drinking. The guy said,
The sponsor replied, "Then don't try to do Thanksgiving, just do Thursday."
If you are having some challenging opportunities this holiday season,
I've been there and I know how challenging it can be. Remember that
we just get this deal one day at a time, no matter how long we're
sober . . . . if it's easier than doing Thanksgiving, maybe you could
just do "Thursday."
Many AlAno Clubs and Fellowships will have alkathons during
Thanksgiving, please check with your local groups for other holiday
activities. This can be a tough time of year for some of us.
If you are visiting out-of-town, remember that Service Centers,
Intergroup offices, etc. are usually listed in the local phone book
(under "Alcoholics Anonymous"). Check in the white pages for Alano
Clubs, or in the yellow pages under "Alcoholism." Google "Alcoholics
Anonymous" + [name of the town you will be visiting]
that he didn't think he could get through Thanksgiving without
drinking. His sponsor asked him if he could get through today without
drinking, the guy said, "sure." Then the sponsor asked do you think
you could make it through a Thursday without drinking. The guy said,
The sponsor replied, "Then don't try to do Thanksgiving, just do Thursday."
If you are having some challenging opportunities this holiday season,
I've been there and I know how challenging it can be. Remember that
we just get this deal one day at a time, no matter how long we're
sober . . . . if it's easier than doing Thanksgiving, maybe you could
just do "Thursday."
Many AlAno Clubs and Fellowships will have alkathons during
Thanksgiving, please check with your local groups for other holiday
activities. This can be a tough time of year for some of us.
If you are visiting out-of-town, remember that Service Centers,
Intergroup offices, etc. are usually listed in the local phone book
(under "Alcoholics Anonymous"). Check in the white pages for Alano
Clubs, or in the yellow pages under "Alcoholism." Google "Alcoholics
Anonymous" + [name of the town you will be visiting]