View Full Version : looking for support

09-09-2015, 07:46 PM
Hello everyone

I am 28 years old and not sure whether I'm an alcoholic because I am depressed or depressed because I am an alcoholic but I know that I cannot be one without the other. I don't drink everyday and I have been able to drink in moderation at times but I know that I do not have control of it because I continue to make the same mistakes over and over. I've ruined so many relationships, jobs... experiences. I frequently feel guilty and very alone. My family is not particularly supportive or involved and my friends try to be but we are all at the age where we are leading our own lives.

I need help anywhere I can get it but I don't want to go to meetings or counseling. If anyone has advice I would like to hear it. Thank you.

09-11-2015, 07:11 AM
Hi lonelyheart, How are you doing today? Maybe a start would be to see your doctor and go from there. Would you be willing to attend online meetings? If so, you can find some here stepchat.com . Please feel free to continue to come and share with us here. Let us know how you are doing. Take it one day at a time.

09-18-2015, 06:50 PM
Welcome lonelyheart, thank you for signing in and sharing. Only you can decide whether you are an alcoholic. I was told, "Ask yourself if you quit when you want to." I played the blame game and blamed the people in my life and I had to look at myself and take responsibility for my own life. I was still in denial after being in AA for two years. I finally saw myself as other people saw me. I used alcohol like I used pills, relationships, food, and other things like work, my computer, busy not being able to be alone and looking for something outside of myself, to make me feel better. I had to start by looking at myself and didn't like what I saw and made the decision to change.
