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09-05-2015, 09:27 AM
Enjoy Your Life Now

I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows). - John 10:10

Life is a journey—a process of advancement and progression. And as you move toward the future, you must be careful not to lose sight of the now and the enjoyment it can bring you.

For many years I was a Christian but not enjoying life. Then God taught me that enjoying life is not based on enjoyable circumstances. It is an attitude of the heart. When I decided to change my approach to some of the circumstances I faced in life, it made a remarkable difference!

As a believer you have available to you the abundant quality of life that comes from God. Don't get so caught up in your busyness that you fail to enjoy the pleasures God provides every day. He has given you abundant life and your goal should be to enjoy it to the fullest.

From the book Ending Your Day Right by Joyce Meyer.